6. Turn Wood

Sered Cycle

BTS: (Magic Items only) = 70% (Wp) -5% per plus given by the Magic Item (e.g. an Arrow with +1 (5%) to A and +1 to DAM would get -10% to BTS and a Shield with +1 to ADS would get -5% to BTS)

ULT: 54 hours

Materials: a shield or other blocking object

Actions: hold Materials up in direction to be blocked

Effect of Throw:

1 to 15 No Effect

³ 16    Chance of Turning = 5(T-5-D)%, where D is Damage done by an incoming missile (before ADS)

Duration:    t min    - 2(t-1)

Range:    5d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius:    5r ft    -r(r-1)/2


  1. Creates an invisible one way force field barrier of Radius at up to Range away from Caster, which moves with Caster and may be rotated around him using light concentration.   The barrier is one way away from the Caster and does not therefore affect outgoing missiles fired by him or those near him.
  2. The barrier blocks and bounces back dead wood.  Magical wood or wood carried by Paladins does get a ST.
  3. Any incoming wooden missile from a Ranged Weapon (e.g. an arrow but not a metal shafted crossbow bolt) or wooden-shafted Thrown Weapon or wooden object hitting barrier will be turned if roll <= Chance of Turning on d100.  Roll for each missile separately.
  4. If a missile is turned, it is bounced in a random direction away from Caster.
  5. Ranged and Thrown Weapons are assumed to cover each of the 3 Range brackets making up their Effective Range in 1 sec.  E.g. a Throwing Knife with Effective Range 30 ft travels at 10 ft/sec, but a Heavy Crossbow quarrel with Effective Range 450 ft travels at 150 ft/sec.
  6. If missile is not turned, resolve its attack in normal way, using Damage rolled in Chance of Turning calculation.
  7. Effect is cumulative with Force Field Shield.  Apply Turn Wood first (before ADS) and if missile is not turned, apply Force Field Shield to its Damage.
  8. Attackers cannot carry wooden shields or weapons through the barrier if they roll <= Chance of Turning (with no Damage minus) on d100, and do not get a ST against the effect unless they are Paladins or the wood is Magical.