The Paladinhood of SARAN

"There is a light which never goes out."
    (motto of the Paladinhood of SARAN)

The Paladinic Order of SARAN, Goddess of Law is open to all SARAN worshippers who are both Fighters and Clerics, of either sex.  It is most strongly established in the Valdrean Empire and amongst the Dwarves, but Paladins are to be found everywhere that SARAN is worshipped.

Unlike many Cults, the Order is not established as an organisation in its own right.  It is simply part of the overall structure of the Temple of SARAN, representing the military arm of the Temple.  A Cleric and Fighter who has placed all of his or her Faith in SARAN may be admitted to Paladinhood at any time at a special service in a Temple of SARAN at which he or she asks SARAN in a Commune: "O Mighty SARAN, Defender of Law, I Your most humble soldier do most earnestly beseech you to admit me to Your Paladinhood.  I do swear upon this my sword [substitute other weapon as applicable] to fight always in Your service and to uphold the Way of Law."  If his or her Faith and oath are true, SARAN then Delegates to him or her the Paladinic Powers of the Order:

  1. Lay on Hands to Heal (PlL * 4) HP/Cd @ 1HP/sec and/or Cure Disease @ 1 Disease Level instead of 4HP Healed
  2. Immunity to Disease up to Disease Level = PlL
  3. Saving Level + (SP allocated) up to a maximum of PlL SP
  4. Detect Chaos @ T = PlL * 10
  5. Dispel Chaos @ T = PlL * 10

SP are allocated (and de-allocated) at will by 1 sec's heavy concentration with indefinite duration.  The allocated SP count towards SP available (e.g. for calculating when one goes below 1/2 SP), but do not count as used (e.g. for the same purpose) as they are not expended.  They are not available for use in Spells.  If the number of SP used in Magic-Using reduces total SP available to less than the number of SP allocated, the number allocated is reduced accordingly.  See the FAQ re Paladins for further explanations of the Powers.

Paladins must earn at least 5 SARAN credit per Caeriad, and maintain a balance of at least 200 credit.  A Paladin who falls below these limits must devote him or herself to restoring them as soon as possible.  Paladins must behave Lawfully at all times and hold to their oath.  Paladins bear the Sun of SARAN proudly upon their armour and shields, and go bravely and boldly into combat, without regard for their own lives.

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