Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Planist

8. Astral Gateway

BTS: 85% (At)

ULT: 320 hrs

Materials: the Symbol of the Astral Plane

Astral Plane or Astral Plane

Actions: indicate location of Gateway with Materials

Effect of Throw:

27 to 36 Insanity

37 to 40 open Gateway to random destination on Astral, and all within 40 to 10 ft * Range must make st against being sucked into it (Caster is sucked in without getting a st).  An Astral Encounter then automatically occurs.

41 to 45 No effect

>=46 3(T-45) Transit Points ("TP")    Max Speed of Astral Forms = (T-41) mph

Height:    8h ft    -(h-1)    (may define shape within this limit by use of Materials and Actions, but must be a flat plane)

Width:    4w ft    -(w-1)    (may define shape within this limit by use of Materials and Actions, but must be a flat plane)

Range:    20d ft    -d(d-1)/2    (from Caster to Gateway)

Duration: until TP = 0 or for t hours (whichever is first)   -t(t-1)/2    (may specify any lesser Duration at no minus)

To make two way    -6    (otherwise is one way from casting location to destination location)


  1. Astral Gateway creates an open gateway to the equivalent location on the Astral Plane, with no penalty for Casting between the Planes (even if the Astral Gateway is Cast from a Plane other than the Real).
  2. Each Being and each full 1000 weight points (excluding body weight of transiting Beings) passing through the Gateway during the Duration subtracts 1TP.  Each Spell Cast through the Gateway also subtracts 1TP.  If there are insufficient TP to transit all Beings and their possessions attempting transit in the same sec, the Gateway goes down without transiting any of them.
  3. Transiting Beings may choose to attempt a st.  If they make it, they pass through the Gateway without going Astral and neither they nor their possessions subtract from TP.  If they fail it, they are instantly transited to the Ethereal Plane, and TP are reduced accordingly.
  4. There is no Disorientation Time on passing through a Gateway.
  5. The Gateway is one-sided at each of the casting and destination locations, and is undetectable from the back (even to See Invisible, Truesight, etc. - as it simply does not exist from that side).  At the destination location the open side faces in the direction remembered by the Caster when Casting.
  6. From the open side of a Gateway there is full vision to the other side, but not sound or smell.  A one way Gateway appears as an opaque silvery surface from the exit side.  Air, water, etc. do not pass through a Gateway unless a Being transports them.  It is therefore possible e.g. to open a Gateway from beneath the sea without flooding the Astral Plane.
  7. Beings and objects entering the Astral Plane via a Gateway are not subject to a Duration, and will remain on the Astral indefinitely.  They are in separate (not projected) Astral Forms, and are killed if such Astral Forms are killed, Stunned or rendered unconscious (unless they have separate Real or Ethereal Forms available by virtue of some other Spell, Power or effect)..
  8. Astral Gateway may be Cast from the Astral Plane to the equivalent location on the Ethereal or Real Planes, allowing an exit from the Astral.  It may also be Cast from the Astral Plane to the equivalent location on any other Plane visible to the Caster.  Max Speed of Ethereal Forms = (T/2)-18 ft/sec FRD
  9. See the rules on the Astral Plane for more detail.