The Astral Plane

  1. The Astral Plane is co-existent with the Real and Ethereal Planes.  The Real and Ethereal Planes can be seen from the Astral Plane as if the Ethereal overlays the Real as a Light Mist.
  2. The Astral Plane co-exists with the Real and Ethereal Planes in the Otherworlds (e.g. Dreams, Madness and Chaos), just as it does in the Overworld and Underworld.
  3. The Astral Plane is an empty void.  Visibility in it is theoretically unlimited.  In practice visibility depends on the size of the Astral Being observed, and the Caster's ability to distinguish it from other Astral Beings.  Farsight may be employed.  Staring at other Astral Beings can attract their attention!  Visibility onto the Ethereal and Real Planes is as through a Light Mist, due to the mistiness of the Ethereal.
  4. The Astral Plane is typically reached either by a Spell (e.g. Astral Spell) or effect (e.g. that of a Ring of Astral Walking), or by a Power (e.g. Planewalk) or ability (e.g. all Higher Powers of Demon level and above have separate Astral Forms).
  5. Most methods of reaching the Astral Plane project an Astral Form of their Target and all possessions he is carrying as encumbrance to the equivalent point on the Astral Plane to that on the Plane he was on when the Spell, effect or Power resolved.  His body and actual possessions remain on the latter Plane.  An invisible Astral cord connects the Astral Form to the body.  Astral cords are not easily found or cut.  The Target's consciousness is in his Astral form.  His body is unconscious.
  6. If a Being has a separate Astral Form, He shapechanges into that form, thus appearing on the Astral Plane with all possessions (which may include captured Beings) He is carrying as encumbrance at the equivalent point on the Ethereal Plane to that on the Plane He just left.  There is no Astral cord.
  7. All Astral Forms, whether bodies projected onto the Astral or separate Astral Forms (with their possessions) are incorporeal, but have HP equal to those of their Real Forms.
  8. If an Astral Form is projected, 100% damage terminates the Duration of the Astral Form.  If the Astral cord is not connected, this results in death.  Mental Spells and effects on the Astral or Real Form apply as normal.  Death effects upon the Astral Form kill both it and the Real Form.  Stun / Unconsciousness effects upon the Astral Form terminate the Duration of the Astral Form as above.  Such effects upon the Real Form do not affect the Astral Form.  Death of the Real Form cuts the Astral cord, but the Astral form survives.
  9. If a separate Astral Form is used, 100% damage or Death effects kill the Astral Form only, but do not kill that Being's Real or Ethereal Forms (either of which He can then resume).  A dead Astral Form is recovered in a year and a day.  Stun / Unconsciousness effects upon a separate Astral Form force a resumption of the Real or Ethereal Form (or result in death if both have already been lost).
  10. Astral Forms do not need to eat or drink (and do not excrete).  They may sleep to recover SP or dream.
  11. Spells may be Cast on the Astral Plane.  Astral forms of Materials may be used.  Fire Spells may require the Casting of Create Fire to produce Materials, as an Astral tinderbox will not produce fire.
  12. Beings may move in three dimensions on the Astral Plane by using light concentration, at up to the maximum speed given by their Astral Spell, effect or Power or the maximum speed of which their Astral Form is capable. Astral forms of possessions have no weight or encumbrance effects.
  13. Possessions may not be acquired and dropped on the Astral Plane.  Astral forms of possessions disappear on being discarded by a Being in Astral Form.  However certain items have their own Astral forms, and may be acquired and dropped normally on the Astral Plane.
  14. Encounters may be had on the Astral Plane in accordance with the Astral Encounter Tables.
  15. In the second after the last second of Duration of an Astral Spell or effect the Target is returned to his body, and his Astral Form disappears, provided the Astral cord still connects him.  If the Astral cord no longer connects him, he can only return to his body from its equivalent point on the Astral Plane, whether or not the Duration has expired.
  16. Beings with separate Astral Forms may leave the Astral Plane by shapechanging to their Real or Ethereal Forms, appearing on the equivalent point on the appropriate Plane.  Physical obstacles do not block translation.  Translating to the same point as that occupied by another Being or a mobile object will normally displace that Being or object.  Translating into a solid immovable object (e.g. solid rock or a wall) can be fatal.  There are no natural physical obstacles on the Ethereal Plane.
  17. There are strong and random winds on the Astral Plane.  An Astral Form connected to its body by an Astral cord is unaffected by Astral winds.  Beings with separate Astral Forms learn to ride them (and are often winged).

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