The Ethereal Plane
- The Ethereal Plane is co-existent with the Real and Astral Planes.
The Real Plane can be seen from the Ethereal Plane as if the Ethereal
overlays it as a Light Mist.
- The Ethereal Plane co-exists with the Real and Astral Planes in the
Otherworlds (e.g. Dreams, Madness and Chaos), just as it does in the Overworld
and Underworld.
- The Ethereal Plane counts as a Light Mist for the purposes of visibility
(onto the Real Plane as well as on the Ethereal) and for Mist Spells or effects. Its mist is of a pale grey colour.
- The Ethereal Plane is typically reached either by a Spell (e.g. Etherealness)
or effect (e.g. that of an Oil of Etherealness), or by a Power (e.g.
Planewalk) or ability (e.g. all Higher Powers of Demon level and above have
separate Ethereal Forms). Most such methods translate their Target and all possessions he is carrying as
encumbrance to the equivalent point on the Ethereal Plane to that on the
Plane he was on when the Spell, effect or Power resolved. If a Being
has a separate Ethereal Form, He shapechanges into that form, thus appearing
on the Ethereal Plane with all possessions (which may include captured
Beings) He is carrying as
encumbrance at the equivalent point on the Ethereal Plane to that on the
Plane He just left.
- Both bodies translated onto the Ethereal and Ethereal Forms are corporeal
(assuming the body was in corporeal form anyway), and can take Damage and
suffer other physical effects. The main practical distinction between
the two methods of reaching the Ethereal is that killing a separate Ethereal
Form does not kill that Being's Real or Astral Forms (either of which He can
then resume) whilst killing a body that has been translated onto the
Ethereal results in that Being's death. A dead Ethereal Form is
recovered in a year and a day.
- Ethereal Forms need to eat and drink (and excrete). They may sleep
to recover SP or dream.
- Beings may move in three dimensions on the Ethereal Plane by using light
concentration, at up to the maximum speed given by their Etherealness
Spell, effect or Power or the maximum speed of which their Ethereal Form is
capable. Weight carried in
excess of Carrying Capacity reduces maximum speed in accordance with the Encumbrance
system as it does speed of movement on the ground.
- Possessions may be acquired and dropped on the Ethereal Plane.
Possessions acquired translate with their acquirer on his leaving the Ethereal
Plane. Possessions dropped retain any Duration of the Spell or effect
that brought them onto the Ethereal, and translate
back on its termination to the equivalent point to their current
locations. However, if they are picked up by another Ethereal Being
before their Duration expires they remain on the Ethereal Plane and/or leave
it as possessions acquired by that Being.
- There is no Gravity on the Ethereal Plane. However, Gravity Spells
which do not rely on any base Gravity may still be Cast using the Magic of an
Activated Gravity Elemental brought onto the Ethereal Plane: e.g. Reverse
Gravity will have no effect, but
Control Gravity will
be effective.
- Encounters may be had on the Ethereal Plane in accordance with the Ethereal
Encounter Tables.
- In the second after the last second of Duration of an Etherealness Spell
or effect, the Target is translated with all possessions he is carrying as encumbrance from his current
point on the Ethereal Plane to its equivalent point on the Plane he was on
when the Spell was Cast. In the case of Oils
of Etherealness only the Duration may be terminated in respect of
the Target or any of his possessions by applying wine (which washes off the
- Beings with separate Ethereal Forms may leave the Ethereal Plane by
shapechanging to their Real or Astral Forms, appearing on the equivalent
point on the appropriate Plane.
- Physical obstacles do not block translation. Translating to the same
point as that occupied by another Being or a mobile object will normally
displace that Being or object. Translating into a solid immovable
object (e.g. solid rock or a wall) can be fatal. There are no natural
physical obstacles on the Ethereal Plane, and there is nothing solid on the
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