Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Planist

5. Etherealness

Spell is also available as a Personal Spell (Castable on self only as Target) at L4 to specialist Planists only, or as a Multiple Targets Spell at L6 to most Planists.

BTS: 50% (At)

ULT: 200 hrs

Materials: mist or vapours (breathing out on a cold day is sufficient)

Actions: waft or blow Materials into air

Effect of Throw:

6 to 15 Insanity

16 to 19 All Caster's possessions carried (including clothes) go Ethereal for a Duration of 4 to 1 * d6 min

20 to 24 No effect

>= 25 Max Speed = (T/2)-11 ft/sec FRD

Duration: 10t min - t(t-1)/2

Range: 3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.


  1. The Spell may be cast on one Target only.
  2. In the second after the last second of Casting a successful cast of the Spell translates the Target and all possessions he is carrying as encumbrance to the equivalent point on the Ethereal Plane to that on the Plane he was on when the Spell was Cast.
  3. The Target may move in three dimensions on the Ethereal Plane at up to Max Speed by using light concentration. Weight carried in excess of Carrying Capacity reduces Max Speed in accordance with the Encumbrance system as it does speed of movement on the ground.
  4. In the second after the last second of Duration the Spell translates the Target and all possessions he is carrying as encumbrance from his current point on the Ethereal Plane to the equivalent point on the Plane he was on when the Spell was Cast.  If the Caster was the Target, he may terminate the Duration at any time by 1 sec's heavy concentration.  The Duration may not be terminated in respect of the Target or any of his possessions by applying wine (which washes off Oils of Etherealness only).
  5. Physical obstacles do not block translation.  Translating to the same point as that occupied by another Being or a mobile object will normally displace that Being or object.  Translating into a solid immovable object (e.g. solid rock or a wall) can be fatal.  There are no natural physical obstacles on the Ethereal Plane.
  6. The Spell may be Cast on a Target who is already on the Ethereal Plane.  Multiple Etherealness effects are not cumulative, but the Target has the highest Max Speed of Ethereal movement and the longest Duration on the Ethereal of all Etherealness effects upon him.  The Caster may terminate the Duration of multiple Etherealness Spells of which he was his own Target by 1 sec's heavy concentration only.
  7. See the rules on the Ethereal Plane for more detail.