Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Charmer  / Fire (Multi-Elemental)

5. Exploding Head

Charm Domination Spell: requires Domination to be achieved over a Charm Link by a Charmer Wp Battle

BTS: n/a

ULT: 150 hours

Materials: a flame

Actions: point Materials at Target

Effect of Throw:

10 to 19 Insanity

20 to 22 Caster's Head Explodes doing 5 to 3d6 Fire Damage to Caster's Head and as General Damage within Radius of Explosion.

23 to 26 No Effect

27 to 36 n = (T-22)/2 FRD

37 to 59 n = (T-14)/3 FRD

³ 650 n = (T)/4 FRD

Damage: n d6 Fire Damage (roll once for damage caused throughout Radius of Explosion)

Radius of Explosion: 5r ft    -r(r-1)/2

Success establishes a Charm Link from Caster to a Target Being with a living mind and initiates a Wp Battle, with the Caster attacking at:

    (Caster's Wp) - ((Target's Wp)+((SL squared)/25)+(SL))

and the Target attacking at:

    (Target's Wp) - (Caster's Wp)

Alternatively, the Caster may first Cast Charm Person (or its equivalent for another type of Target Being), use its M (improved by their Experience pluses on the Spell) to achieve Domination, then Cast this Spell.  The Wp Battle is suspended as between Caster and Target whilst a Charm Domination Spell (such as this Spell) is being Cast, thus protecting the Caster from being Backcharmed.  See the General Notes for Charmer Spells for further details.


  1. Multi-Elemental Charmer & Fire Spell: may be Cast as a Charmer or Fire Spell. If Caster has both a Charmer Elemental of Level >=5 and a Fire Elemental of Level >=5 Activated, they get +5 on Casting this Spell.
  2. Exploding Head does nd6 Fire Damage (even if Cast as a Charmer Spell) to the Head of a Target Being Caster has Dominated over a Charm Link in the second after Domination is established.  Fire-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling the first st).  It has full effect on Target underwater.
  3. Target's Head explodes from inside, so ADS=0. Unconsciousness and/or Death results are suffered dependent on Target’s HP and Effects of Damage in accordance with Section D.2 of the Fighter System and/or Target’s Monster Specification. Fire Resistance Effects on Target apply as normal.
  4. Exploding Head also does nd6 Fire Damage as General Damage to any other Beings within Radius of the Explosion. This applies even if Target does not suffer Unconsciousness and/or Death from Exploding Head and/or is Fire Resistant. The Fire Damage appears from the orifices in Target's Head.  It has no effect on other Beings underwater.
  5. See the General Notes for Charmer Spells for further details regarding Charm Domination Spells.