2.1 Certain Charmer Spells ("Charm Domination Spells") require a Charm Link to be established and Domination to be achieved in the subsequent Willpower Battle before they may be used to manipulate the Target's mind. The modifiers applicable to that Wp Battle are those applicable for Charm Person (or its equivalents for other types of Beings). Such Spells are noted "Charm Domination Spell: requires Domination to be achieved over a Charm Link by a Charmer Wp Battle".
2.2 Charm Domination Spells automatically establish a Charm Link to their Target, irrespective (unless otherwise specified for the Spell) of the type of Being the Target is. This Charm Link may be used to initiate the Wp Battle for Domination. However, they do not (unless otherwise specified) give the Modifier ("M") to reduce the Target's SL bonus to Defensive Wp. This method of achieving Domination is therefore only useable safely if the Target is the Caster himself, someone who consents to the Spell, or someone with low Wp and SL.
2.3 For other Targets the Charmer first Casts Charm Person (or its equivalent for another type of Target Being), and uses its M (improved by his Experience pluses on the Spell) to achieve Domination.
2.4 He then Casts the Charm Domination Spell. The Wp Battle is suspended as between Caster and Target whilst a Charm Domination Spell is being Cast, thus protecting the Caster from being Backcharmed. However, any other Wp Battles to which the Caster may be party at any time during Casting are not suspended, and the usual Wp modifiers for Casting a Spell apply in such cases.
2.5 Once the Charm Domination Spell has been Cast, the Wp Battle continues, with the position as to Domination being as in the second before Casting started. The M obtained from Charm Person (or equivalent) continues to apply.
2.6 Charm Domination Spells have an indefinite Duration whilst the Charm Link lasts, as for Charm Person; i.e. whilst the winner of the Wp Battle maintains a line of sight within Range and heavy concentration. The line of sight is not broken by something passing across it, unless the target's body is totally obscured. If the Charm Link is broken for any reason, the Charm Domination Spell ends.
2.7 Charm Domination Spells may (unless otherwise specified) be used to create multiple effects during their Duration, but their T decays by 1 for each distinct effect created.
3.1 Certain Charm Domination Spells enable Mental Blocks or Hypnotic Suggestions to be placed in or removed from the Target's mind.
3.2 A Mental Block blocks off specified memories and/or other Mental Blocks and Hypnotic Suggestions. The Target and anyone reading his mind will be unaware of the Block and what is behind it unless an appropriate Charmer Spell or other effect is used to identify, probe through and/or remove the Block. The Block may be set to disappear upon a specified event (as perceived by the Target's mind).
3.3 A Hypnotic Suggestion is triggered upon a specified event (as perceived by the Target's mind). It may be either positive (obliging the Target to do something) or negative (prohibiting the Target from doing something), and will have a Duration. The Target gets a st against obeying the Hypnotic Suggestion.
3.4 Hypnotic Suggestions may also be linked to other Charmer effects. For example the effects of a Mental Block, Erase Memory, or even a Madness or Memory Jar may be suspended until the Hypnotic Suggestion is triggered. To achieve this the Hypnotic Suggestion is first established, and then the Spell to be suspended is Cast. Note that Casting this Spell will only suspend the Wp Battle if it is a Charm Domination Spell.
4.1 For the purpose of resolving the effects of Charmer Spells against each other, Blocks and Suggestions have a strength equal to the T achieved on creating them.
4.2 Blocks decay in strength at -1 to T per year since they were created, and at -1 to T every time they are successfully probed without being removed.
4.3 Suggestions decay in strength at -1 to T per month since they were created. Spell effects suspended behind Suggestions decay at the same rate until they are triggered.
4.4 Spells capable of probing or removing Blocks and Suggestions work by comparing their T against that of each Block or Suggestion in accordance with their respective Spell Specifications.
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