Class: Charmer
Charm Domination Spell: requires Domination to be achieved over a Charm Link by a Charmer Wp Battle
BTS: n/a
ULT: 120 hours
Materials: none / a mirror or other reflective surface if Cast on self
Actions: stare deep into Target's eyes
Effect of Throw:
-1 to 8 Insanity
9 to 11 Create 3 to 1 random Mental Blocks
12 to 15 No Effect
³ 16 Create Mental Blocks of strength = T
Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2
Success establishes a Charm Link from Caster to Target and initiates a Wp Battle, with the Caster attacking at:
(Caster's Wp) - ((Target's Wp)+((SL squared)/25)+(SL))
and the Target attacking at:
(Target's Wp) - (Caster's Wp)
Alternatively, the Caster may first Cast Charm Person (or its equivalent for another type of Target Being), use its M (improved by his Experience pluses on the Spell) to achieve Domination, then Cast this Spell. The Wp Battle is suspended as between Caster and Target whilst a Charm Domination Spell (such as this Spell) is being Cast, thus protecting the Caster from being Backcharmed. See the General Notes for Charmer Spells for further details.
Duration: the Charm Link lasts whilst the winner of the Wp Battle maintains a line of sight within Range and heavy concentration. The line of sight is not broken by something passing across it, unless the target's body is totally obscured.