Class: Charmer
Charm Domination Spell: requires Domination to be achieved over a Charm Link by a Charmer Wp Battle
BTS: n/a
ULT: 120 hours
Materials: none / a mirror or other reflective surface if Cast on self
Actions: stare deep into Target's eyes
Effect of Throw:
-1 to 8 Insanity
9 to 11 read false memories
12 to 15 No Effect
³ 16 Interrogate @ strength = T: i.e.
Chance of identifying Mental Blocks or Hypnotic Suggestions = (T of Interrogate) / (T of Block / Suggestion) * 100%
Chance of probing through / reading Mental Blocks or Hypnotic Suggestions = (T of Interrogate) / (T of Block / Suggestion) * 75%
Chance of removing Mental Blocks or Hypnotic Suggestions = (T of Interrogate) / (T of Block / Suggestion) * 50%
Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2
Success establishes a Charm Link from Caster to Target and initiates a Wp Battle, with the Caster attacking at:
(Caster's Wp) - ((Target's Wp)+((SL squared)/25)+(SL))
and the Target attacking at:
(Target's Wp) - (Caster's Wp)
Alternatively, the Caster may first Cast Charm Person (or its equivalent for another type of Target Being), use its M (improved by his Experience pluses on the Spell) to achieve Domination, then Cast this Spell. The Wp Battle is suspended as between Caster and Target whilst a Charm Domination Spell (such as this Spell) is being Cast, thus protecting the Caster from being Backcharmed. See the General Notes for Charmer Spells for further details.
If the Target Dominates the Caster in the Wp Battle, the Target may Interrogate the Caster.
Duration: the Charm Link lasts whilst the winner of the Wp Battle maintains a line of sight within Range and heavy concentration. The line of sight is not broken by something passing across it, unless the target's body is totally obscured.