* Restricted Information: Alchemists only

Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Generalist

2. Identify Potions

This Spell is normally only granted to Members of The Alchemists' Guild.  It is believed this is due to a Pact made by the Guild with GUSION.

BTS: 55% (Wp) (if within aura of another Being - see Note 7. below)

ULT: 50 hours

Materials: none

Actions: none

Effect of Throw:

-2 to 7 Insanity

8 to 9 Caster gets random inaccurate results for Duration

10 to 12 No Effect

³ 13    Chance of Success = 5(T-11-PL)%, where PL = Potion Level of Potion

Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 5r ft -r(r-1)/2

Duration: 30t sec -t(t-1)/2


  1. Identify Potions enables Caster to know the exact Effects of Potions (including the level of Effect for Potions with greater than standard Effect), even if he was not previously familiar with the specific Potion, or to know that a suspected Potion is not in fact a Potion or is a dud.  Knowledge that an item is not a Potion gives a reading as such, which is different to failing Chance of Success, which gives no result.
  2. Potions for this purpose are only those items listed as such in the Catalogue of GUSION, plus certain Non-Standard Potions.  It does not, for example, include Acids, Fire Bombs, Poisons, Antidotes or other non-Magical Alchemical items. 
  3. Potion Level = ([Guild Price]/200) FRD, except Delusion has PL 6 (and failure on Chance of Success against it gives a false reading of another random Potion).  Potions with greater than standard Effect have Potion Level +1 for each step up of Effect (usually noted in their Recipes as justifying a step up in price for the Spell used in making them).  Dud Potions have a Potion Level of 1 to 3.
  4. The Caster must have a line of sight to, or otherwise be able to perceive, each suspected Potion to be scanned.  Heavy concentration is required to scan a potential Potion within Radius. It takes 6 sec to scan each suspected item within the Radius.  Ratio Chance of Success if less time is taken.
  5. Multiple attempts may be made to Identify the same suspected Potion within the Radius, whilst the Duration lasts.
  6. The Caster can move the Radius about using light concentration, provided that its centre does not exceed the Range (which is calculated from the Caster's current location from time to time).
  7. If a Potion is within the aura of a Being, that Being gets a st against Chance of Success being rolled for each attempt to Identify made on that Potion.  Caster cannot distinguish between the st being made or Chance of Success being failed, both giving no result.