Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Charmer
1. Locate Mind
BTS: 25% (Wp)
ULT: 25 hours
Materials: none
Actions: close eyes to cast and to scan
Effect of Throw:
-5 to 4 Insanity
5 to 6 Broadcast own mind to all living minds within Radius
7 to 9 No Effect
³ 10 BTS +5(T-10)%
Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2
Radius: 5r ft -r(r-1)/2
Duration: t min -t(t-1)/2
Effective T vs Hide Life:
+2n -n
- Heavy concentration is required to scan for minds. It
takes 10 sec to scan for one mind within the Radius
(ratio BTS if less time taken, e.g. if a Target mind enters
Radius during scan).
- Only living minds can be located. If more than one is
within the Radius, that with the lowest saving throw
("st") has to save against being located first.
- If a st < 100% is required, the Target mind is aware of
having to make the save, but not the nature of the Spell
(experienced Charmers may recognise its nature). If a st ³100% is required, the DM makes it
secretly without alerting the Target.
- If the Caster locates a mind, light concentration is
required to maintain the location (except when using
heavy concentration to scan for further minds, which does
not lose previous locations). He is aware of its exact
location relative to him, and can target it with Charmer
Spells. He may also be able to target it with other
Spells, Ranged Weapons, etc., depending on their
respective limitations. For example, Locate Mind can be
cast through walls, but Magic Missile cannot.
- The Target is not aware whether his mind has been located
(though he knows what he rolled for a st made by him).
- The Caster can move the Radius about using light
concentration, provided that its centre does not exceed
the Range (which is calculated from the Caster's current
location from time to time). If a located Target leaves
the Radius, he is no longer located.
- Locate Mind is a Detect
Life Spell. Success gives the Caster knowledge that Target is
Living and enables him to Cast subsequent Spells that target or affect
living Beings that will affect Target, even if Target would have been
protected against them by Hide Life Spells or
effects which the Locate Mind has succeeded against. This is so,
even if Target moves outside Radius or Duration of Locate Mind expires
(but not if Target becomes protected by a subsequent Hide Life Spell or
Effect). Caster does not need to maintain the location of Target
mind using light concentration to maintain this Detect Life Effect, but
will need to be able to perceive Target by other means in order to target
him with other Spells that require to be specifically targeted.