Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Charmer

3. Mindtalk

BTS: n/a

ULT: 95 hours

Materials: some token or likeness of Recipient, which may be anything from a lock of his hair to a quick sketch the Caster has just made

Actions: hold Materials and look at them until contact is made

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 11 Contact a random incorrect recipient within 20 to 10 miles (the Elemental may choose someone inappropriate)

12 to 15 No Effect

³ 16    Range:    (T-15) miles

Duration: t min - t(t-1)/2


  1. Establishes a 2-way mental communication between Caster and a Recipient within Range who is known to him, either by previous mental contact or by having previously spent time in each other's company.  If the Caster cannot sufficiently remember Recipient, there is an additional %age chance of the Spell having no effect.  There is a penalty of -1 per year since Caster was last in contact with Recipient.
  2. Recipient will realise the Caster's mind is seeking to contact him, and must decide whether to accept the Mindtalk (no saving throw).  If he rejects it, the result is the same from the Caster's perspective as if the Spell had no effect.
  3. The Spell does not establish a Charm Link (through which Charm Domination Spells might be Cast) or give Caster any idea of Recipient's location (beyond what Recipient might tell him or what he can deduce from likely Range).
  4. Both parties must lightly concentrate to communicate.  Communication is by thought.  A common language helps, but is not essential as concepts can be communicated.  The Spell does not enable all thoughts to be read, but only those thoughts a party concentrates on communicating.
  5. Spell effect terminates if either Recipient or Caster chooses to end it or moves out of Range before end of Duration.  Ceasing to concentrate on communicating does not end the effect.
  6. Caster may choose to Cast at 2/3 Throw, in which case the Spell will potentially contact Recipient on any other Plane.  Range is measured to the equivalent point on the Ethereal or Astral or via the nearest gateway to an Otherworld.