Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Earth

2. Quarrels / Slingstones (Personal)

Also available with the ability to Cast on Others at Level 3.

BTS: none

ULT: 55 hours

Materials: a case, quiver or pouch appropriate to hold the Quarrels / Slingstones

Actions: Caster holds out Material(s) to receive Quarrels / Slingstones

Effect of Throw:

-2 to 7 Insanity

8 to 9 Caster takes Damage from 2 to 1d6 Quarrels / Slingstones to random Hit Locations (no st) - the Quarrels / Slingstones disappear after hitting

10 to 12 No Effect

13 to 18    Create Quarrels / Slingstones with +0 to A

³ 19    Create Quarrels / Slingstones with + (T-13)/6 FRD to A, i.e.:

T Magical Bonus to A of Created Quarrels / Slingstones
13 to 18 +0 (still counts as Magical Weapon)
19 to 24 +1 = +5% to A
27 to 30 +2 = +10% to A
31 to 36 +3 = +15% to A
37 to 42 +4 = +20% to A
43 to 48 +5 = +25% to A

Heavy Crossbow Quarrels:    -1

Magical Bonus to DAM:    M    -6M

Duration: t min / 10t Quarrels / Slingstones  - t(t-1)/2    10t Quarrels / Slingstones appear and 1 disappears every MR, whether or not fired.  Duration expires after t min or when all Quarrels / Slingstones have disappeared.  Extension Spells create the appropriate no. of extra Quarrels / Slingstones.


  1. The Quarrels Spell creates Magical Quarrels for a Light or Heavy Crossbow (as specified by the variable parameter).
  2. The Slingstones Spell creates Magical Slingstones for any type of Sling.
  3. As this is an Earth Spell, the Created Quarrels / Slingstones are made of metal / stone.  It is not possible to create Arrows.
  4. The Created Quarrels / Slingstones appear in the Materials.
  5. The Created Quarrels / Slingstones may only be loaded and fired by the Caster.  They disappear if anyone else touches them.  Fired Quarrels / Slingstones disappear the second after hitting / missing an opponent.
  6. All the Quarrels / Slingstones may be dispelled by the Caster at will.