Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Planist

2. Reload

BTS: 27% (At)    (only applies if Target Ranged Weapon is within the aura of another Being, who chooses to make a st)

ULT: 60 hours

Materials: a Target Ranged Weapon with available missiles

Actions: make the motions of loading a missile into Target Ranged Weapon

Effect of Throw:

-2 to 7    Insanity

8 to 9    a missile from Target Ranged Weapon hits Caster in the min. ADS in the head, doing its normal DAM, without bonuses but applying any Armour variables for it and subtracting ADS.  The missile will be that in the Weapon if one is ready.  Otherwise it fires from the quiver.  It Teleports straight to Caster, and will Follow him if he reflex Teleports out (as it comes with the Activated Planist Elemental).

10 to 12    No Effect

T Pause Between Reloads ("P")
13 6 sec
14 to 15 5 sec
16 to 18 4 sec
19 to 22 3 sec
23 to 27 2 sec
28 to 33 1 sec
> = 34 0 sec

Range:    10d ft    -(4+d(d+1)/2)    If Target Ranged Weapon is within Caster's aura, there is no Range minus.  Otherwise, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.

Radius:    5r ft    -r(r+1)/2    If Radius is 0, Reload will only take missiles from within Caster's aura.

Duration:    5t min    - t(t-1)/2

Specify type of missile to be prioritised:    -1 for silver/mithril    -3 for magic


  1. Reload automatically Reloads Target Ranged Weapon without firer using an AMR or having to concentrate on the reload, provided that there is an available missile within Radius.  The Spell will prioritise normal missiles, unless silver, mithril or magic have been prioritised by the Variable Parameter.  If the firer runs out of missiles he is carrying within his aura, the Spell will next use those he has available on the ground within Radius, and then those of other Beings nearby, if within Radius.

  2. The missiles do not have to be ready to reach for loading.  As it is a Planist Spell, Reload can take them from a closed quiver or backpack.

  3. The Spell Reloads by Teleporting the missile into the loading position, Teleporting the bowstring or other firing mechanism into the correct position to receive it, and Teleporting the firer's arms into the correct position to hold it for firing (but not to aim at any particular target) all as an instantaneous Spell resolution between the expiry of P and the next sec. of the MR, when the firer may fire the weapon.  The first Reload will occur P secs. after Casting or after Target Ranged Weapon has been fired, whichever is longer.  Subsequent Reloads will occur P. Secs after the sec. of the last Reload or if Target Ranged Weapon is then Loaded, the sec. after it is fired.  Firer may reload manually during P if he has available AMR, but if he specifically plots a manual reload for the sec. after a Reload resolves, he will find it has happened by Magic before he can do it, and will just take that sec to react.

  4. If Caster has multiple AMR, careful use of his Initiative and specific plotting of his attacks will therefore be necessary to extract the maximum benefit from Reload.  1 day's training (does not count towards Ft Training in the Weapon) is necessary to practice this.  Such training by Caster is included in the ULT of the Spell.  If a firer has not undergone this training, the DM may require any specific plot which he regards as too slick to be subject to a Dx(M) check, which if failed he will vary as he sees fit.

  5. If Target Ranged Weapon is subject to another Planist Reload Spell or Effect, they are not cumulative and P is the quickest of those in effect.

  6. If Target Ranged Weapon is subject to another non-Planist Reload Spell or Effect (e.g. the Gravity Quickload Spell) , they are cumulative, and if both reload in the same sec. (being the sec. after P expires for both), the firer must use an AMR to clear one before he can fire.  If firing a Crossbow he must make a Dx check against jamming the Crossbow, which will require a further Dx check every MR to clear.  If 20 is rolled on any Dx check (even if Caster has Dx >= 20), the Crossbow is broken.

  7. Caster may terminate Reload effect before end of Duration by 1 sec's heavy concentration.