* Restricted Information: only those who have come across or learned of them
Type of Item: bag
Description: a plain black silk bag with a drawstring
Bags of Holding come in a variety of sizes: e.g. pocket-sized (max. capacity 1,000 wt. pts., opens to 6" diameter), backpack-sized (max. capacity 3,000 wt. pts., opens to 18" diameter), saddlebag-sized (max. capacity 6,000 wt. pts., opens to 3' diameter), or sack-sized (max. capacity 10,000 wt. pts., opens to 5' diameter).
When max. capacity is reached, there is no space left in the Bag to fit anything else in, and it may be necessary to remove items to find others.
Living (or Undead) beings may reach into bag, but may not enter it (unless Bound to an Item or Stoned). It can be used to store dead bodies or body parts (and stops them from Regenerating).
Bag may be emptied by reaching into it or tipping it out. Turning the Bag inside out empties it completely, and items may now be stored instead in the reversed Bag. Cutting or removing the drawstring will also cause the Bag to empty, and it will not be possible to store further items in it until the drawstring is replaced.
Roll d100 on removing each item (or group of similar items) from Bag: on 01 item has disappeared / on 100 a random new item appears - believed to be from someone else's Bag of Holding (original item is still in there). This can take some time to occur, so repeatedly emptying and refilling the Bag with worthless items to gain new, valuable ones doesn't work.
Fragile items may bang into each other in the Bag, so are best padded (if not, they are broken on a removal roll of 02-05 - this can affect other items in the Bag if they are Fire Bombs!).
If Bag is destroyed (e.g. by Fire), all items in it are lost. If it is cut (e.g. by Cutpurse), all the items stored will fall out, and it will need to be sewn back up to function as a Bag of Holding again.
If one Bag of Holding is stored inside another, the wt. pts. in the inner Bag count towards the capacity of the outer.
Encumbrance: (max. capacity / 1,000) wt. pts., irrespective of weight stored inside
History: believed to be Planist items, the Thievish Guilds / Brotherhoods have long had access to supplies.
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