* Restricted Information: only those who have come across or learned of them

Magic Item Specification

Type of Item: cloak

Displacer Cloak

Description: a black(ish) leather cloak, sometimes with bright green lining or stitching

Powers: Gives Displacement Pluses to D and RD, usually of +2(10%).


  1. The Cloak's aura bends light, making the wearer appear to be 1-4 ft per Displacement Plus from his actual position. This Displacing Effect gives bonuses to D and RD, and also gives +5% per Plus to sts against any effects targeted by sight.
  2. The Displacing Effect applies against sight-targetted attacks (usually the case in Melee) only, and the bonuses apply even when D would otherwise be 0 (e.g. against certain Thievish attacks).
  3. Cumulative with Dodge Spells and Effects, but not with other Displacement Spells and Effects.

Encumbrance:    5 wt pts

Origin / History: made from the tanned hide of a Displacer Beast, but requires enchantment by an appropriate Demon as the Displacement ability of the Beast ends on its death.

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