* Restricted Information: Valdrean Noble Houses only
Type of Item: Broad Sword
one of The Seven Swords of Valdrea; wielded by the Champion of the House of Bavenne
In: 9, Dx(M): 6, Mr: 12, Wp: 7 (10.0, as at 7 Aval 2000), Nt: 4, Ft: 16; in SARAN, At: 5
SP: 15 (2SP must be Allocated by Sword to use Power 5 below)
Alignment: N/L, Sacred to SARAN
Bound Demon: True Name: [ ]
SP are Allocated (and de-allocated) at will by 1 sec's heavy concentration with indefinite duration. The Allocated SP count towards SP available (e.g. for calculating when one goes below 1/2 SP), but do not count as used (e.g. for the same purpose) as they are not expended. They are not available for use in Spells. If the number of SP used in Magic-Using reduces total SP available to less than the number of SP allocated, the number allocated is reduced accordingly.
If the Champion of Bavenne is Emperor, the Second Champion of Bavenne wields Asareal.
Will do d6/sec General Damage (no st) to any Chaotic Being grasping it.
Encumbrance: 75
Given by SARAN on 24 Weven 500 to Halamor, Duke of Hapral, companion of the First Emperor, Valder I, in the Commune when the First Empire was founded. Inherited by the Dukes of Hapral until the Year 1234, when it passed by succession to the Earls of Bavenne. In the Year 1430 the Emperor Castor IV, Duke of Bavenne established the Noble House of Bavenne (in place of the old Championship of Hapral), and decreed that it would henceforth become the Holy Sword of Bavenne, to be wielded by the Champion of the House.
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