* Restricted Information: Valdrean Emperors, Noble Houses & Imperial Family only

Magic Item Specification

Type of Item: Broad Sword

“Flamma Imperiala”, The Imperial Flame

one of The Seven  Swords of Valdrea; wielded by the Crown Prince (heir apparent) or heir presumptive to the Lion Throne of Valdrea

In: 7, Dx(M): 6, Mr: 6, Wp: 7 (10.0, as at 7 Aval 2000), Nt: 4, Ft: 11; in SARAN, At: 3

SP: 1 (1SP must be Allocated by Sword to use Powers 4 or 5 below - so cannot use both simultaneously)

Alignment: N/L, Sacred to SARAN

Bound Demon: True Name: [ ]


  1. A +2
  2. Flaming: +d6 Fire DAM or +2d6 Fire DAM vs Fire Vulnerable Defenders or +3d6 Fire DAM vs Incorporeal Defenders
  3. Saving Level + (No. of SP Allocated by Wielder), Max. SP Allocatable = PlL, Cumulative with Paladinic Power no. 2. (only works if Wielder has Accepted Ft in SARAN >= 10)
  4. Wall of Fire 3 times / Cd (by Calendar, not 24 hours), d6 Fire DAM or 2d6 Fire DAM vs Fire Vulnerables or +3d6 Fire DAM vs Incorporeals, 20ft Range, 60ft * 10 ft
  5. Telepathic Link to Wielder when grasped.  SP Allocated by Wielder = 2


  1. SP are Allocated (and de-allocated) at will by 1 sec's heavy concentration with indefinite duration.  The Allocated SP count towards SP available (e.g. for calculating when one goes below 1/2 SP), but do not count as used (e.g. for the same purpose) as they are not expended.  They are not available for use in Spells.  If the number of SP used in Magic-Using reduces total SP available to less than the number of SP allocated, the number allocated is reduced accordingly.

  2. The heir apparent (eldest son of the Emperor) or heir presumptive (eldest daughter if a Nobel Champion, otherwise Second Champion of the Imperial House) only inherits the Lion Throne if the Emperor dies other than in a Duel for the Lion Throne.

  3. Will do its Fire Damage as General Damage (no st) to any Chaotic Being grasping it.

Encumbrance: 75


Its origins are lost in the mists of antiquity, and even the Sword itself cannot remember them.  Before the Year 500 it was wielded by the Kings of the Almati as the "Royal Flame".  Legend has it that SARAN gave it to Alman, First King of the Almati, when She created him at the beginning of the World.  When the First Empire was founded in the Year 500, and the Emperor given a new Holy Sword, the "Royal Flame" (which then became the "Imperial Flame") passed to the Crown Prince.  It has been wielded by successive Crown Princes and heirs of Valdrea ever since.  The original scabbard was lost in the turmoils of the Year 1000.

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