Monster Specification



Typical Monster Level ("ML"):

Hill Giants: 7 to 9

Stone Giants: 10

Frost Giants: 11

Fire Giants: 12

Cloud Giants: 13

Storm Giants: 14 to 16

Typical Number Encountered: Hill, Stone, Frost & Fire Giants: d4, Others: 1

Usual Alignment(s): N/N, any

Description: as giant-sized humans

Habitat: (these are typical, but all races may be encountered anywhere)

Hill Giants: anywhere

Stone Giants: mountains / rock deserts

Frost Giants: tundra / Icelands

Fire Giants: volcanoes / ash or hot deserts

Cloud Giants: mountaintops

Storm Giants: follow storms / Seabed

Any race may be encountered in the Dungeons.

Language: Orcish or Valdrean

Chars: Co 3d6+ML, Wp 3d6+(ML/2)


Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 10 ft/sec 7 mph
March 16 ft/sec 11 mph
Run 30 ft/sec 20 mph
Charge 48 ft/sec n/a

Fighter Abilities:

ML/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5ML) %    RD = 5 + (5ML) %    5 + (5ML) HP

May use Extra Heavy Shield of ADS 12 @ T = 16-ML

Attack Modes:

Ultra Heavy Club @ A = 8ML %, DAM = 3d10, Reach 2 to 6

or may use other Giants' Weapons with same A and appropriate ultra heavy DAM

Thrown Rock (Hill and Stone Giants only) @ Range = 25 to 250 ft, Rate of Fire = 1 / MR, A = 5ML %, DAM = dn, where n depends on size of rock

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

Hill Giants Stone Giants Frost Giants Fire Giants Cloud Giants

Storm Giants


01 to 17 01 to 18 01 to 18 01 to 19 01 to 19

01 to 20

Arms (*2)

18 to 53 19 to 54 19 to 55 20 to 57 20 to 59

21 to 60


54 to 105 55 to 108 56 to 111 58 to 114 60 to 117

61 to 120


106 to 140 109 to 144 112 to 148 115 to 152 118 to 156

121 to 160

Legs (*2) 141 to 175 145 to 180 149 to 185 153 to 190 157 to 195 161 to 200

ADS: same in all HitLoc Areas (may wear Armour in addition)

Giant Type

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2
Stone 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
Cloud 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
Storm 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4

Effects of Specific Damage: as for People.

Thievish Abilities:


Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

Hill Giants: none

Stone Giants: 100% Resistance to Stoning, SL+25% vs Earth Spells & Effects

Frost Giants: 100% Resistance to Cold, SL+25% vs Water Spells & Effects

Fire Giants: 100% Resistance to Fire, SL+25% vs Fire Spells & Effects

Cloud Giants: 100% Resistance to Lightning, SL+25% vs Air Spells & Effects

Storm Giants: as per all the above, and have Power to Control Weather @ T = 4ML and Salt & Fresh Water Breathing

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