Monster Specification


Typical Monster Level ("ML"): 2 to 4

Typical Number Encountered: flock of 2d6 in wooded areas, d4 elsewhere

Usual Alignment(s): E/C, N/C

Description: the head, arms (with claws) and chest of a woman with the wings, abdomen, legs and tail of a giant bird, invariably ugly, dirty and unkempt

Habitat: Dungeons, Green Areas, Wilderness Areas, Chaos, Madness.  Often roost or nest in trees (which they despoil) or in caves.

Language: know bits of Gothic, Black Chaos, and Valdrean or Orcish, and various beautiful songs in Old Speech

Chars: Co 3d6-1, Wp 4d6


Rate Melee Travelling
Hop 3 ft/sec 2 mph
Scuttle 5 ft/sec 3 mph

Can also Fly at up to 20 ft/sec = 120 ft/MR = 13.5 mph

Fighter Abilities:

ML/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5ML) %    RD = 5 + (5ML) %    5 + (5ML) HP

Attack Modes:

Claw @ A = 10ML %, DAM = d6

Talon @ A = 8ML %, DAM = d8

Weapon @ A = 8ML%, DAM as per Weapon (will use whatever weapons they have taken from their victims)

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

All Aspects


01 to 12

Wings (*2) 13 to 36

Arms (*2)

15 to 36


37 to 75


76 to 100

Legs (*2) 101 to 125


115 to 125


HitLoc Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
Wings 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


4 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 4


1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Legs 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 4


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Effects of Specific Damage:

Hit Loc Area %age HP Damage taken Effects
Head 15% Unconscious, Co check vs Death
  30% Decapitation, Death
Wings (*2) 30% Co check vs Wing Crippled
  60% Wing Crippled (spirals to ground), Co check vs Wing Severed
  90% Wing Severed (plummets to ground)
Arms (*2) 20% Co check vs Leg Crippled
  40% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
  60% Leg Severed
Chest 80% Incapacitated, Co check vs Death
  160% Death
Abdomen 60% Co check vs Death/MR
  120% Death
Legs (*2) 25% Co check vs Leg Crippled
  50% Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed
  75% Leg Severed
Tail 10% Co check vs Tail Crippled
  20% Tail Crippled, Co check vs Tail Severed
  30% Tail Severed

Bleeding effects from Crippling, Severance and Decapitation are as for People.

Thievish Abilities:


Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Harpies are all female.  They will mate with just about any male Monster or Person, but their eggs always hatch Harpies.  Their preference is for Gargoyles or humans.
  2. Sing (in Old Speech) to entrance males only (females are unaffected) at BTS 45+(5ML)% (20-Hr) per MR within earshot.  If multiple Harpies are singing, their ML for BTS is the square root of the sum of the squares of their MLs, and only one st per MR needs to be made by each male.  Whilst Singing they cannot fight and have D & RD = 0, but may Fly, hovering in place.  They actually have beautiful singing voices.
  3. If entranced, affected males lose physical and mental control, and walk towards the Harpies, believing them to be beautiful females of their own species.  The Harpies will either kill and eat them immediately, or keep them as pets for a while, mating with them, and then eating them.  They may rip choice pieces from bodies, to feed their young.
  4. Entranced males remain entranced when the Harpies have finished singing, but may attempt to recover every (number by which failed st) minutes at BTS (original BTS) + 25% (Wp).  If the Harpies continue Singing to them, they will have to make further sts upon recovering.
  5. Harpies smell foul (DL-5 vs Scent).

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