25 Kemel 2501

Quotes of the Month

"It takes but one man to start a war. Thus all men must concur to bring peace."

(The High Priest of WACON on Earth, from the Monthly Report of the Council of High Priests of Peace on Earth)

"Warriors of Rockholme! Come fight with us for your independence!"

(From a joint proclamation issued by Cromach and Dastrer, the Bandit Warlords in Rockholme)

"These divisions are not drawn on the ground, but on maps. They exist only in men's heads."

(The High Priestess of FIDAR on Earth, from the same Monthly Report of the Council of High Priests of Peace on Earth)

"I bring the only practical peace: one state, one law, one Emperor."

(The Emperor Arril I of Tarm, from a speech to the Rockholme Temple of Peace on Earth)

War and Peace

Once again these are leading issues in Anarea. In Rockholme the Forces of Evil have returned to the offensive. Following a successful counter-offensive by Cromach, which pinned Hugran's forces with the Temple of Peace on Earth in the Citadel, Dastrer fragmented the Valdrean forces in the Lower City, and together they defeated the third Bandit Warlord, Luften (a Neutral who had declared for Hugran). Cromach (who claims the success of his initial offensive was due to the treachery of a FIDAR Cleric, Olak-Ksirrin) is through the Citadel's first ring of defences, leaving one more wall before that protecting the Temple of Peace on Earth, and the Higher Powers of Peace. The Evil Temples are re-opening.

The relieving Valdrean Army is making slow progress through difficult terrain, which the numerically inferior Bandits are using to their advantage. The Valdreans defeated a major ambush at Galan Rocks 10 Kemel, but at Pine Hills on the 18th a bloody stalemate ensued.

North-East of the Garf Valdrean and Northern patrols have clashed, causing a few casualties, and on the 20th Eralham took up arms against its Valdrean occupiers. They, and Northern troops quartered in the town, were all killed or captured, but further Valdrean troops are on their way to restore order.

No major acts of terrorism have been noted, but there were short outbreaks of Chaos in Grinen on the 1st and 12th.

DM's note

Your orders are requested for the month of Varech 2501, which I shall be running during June and July 1984.

© P.R. Wild, 28 May 1984

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