Potion: Flying


Gargoyle's wing membranes chopped up (with a Magic or silver blade) and feathers from any bird, rendered down into a stew: one pair of Gargoyle's wings makes enough for 6 Potions

Guideline Purchasing Price: 40GP (per wing)

(NB The Recipe does not strictly require Gargoyle's wings.  The wings of any flying creature will suffice, and therefore the feathers from a bird's wing are the minimum necessary for the stew.  But the requirement for Gargoyle's wings is commonly published by Alchemists, by way of disinformation and to help justify the price of the Potion.)


Elementalist Fly with a Throw giving a minimum of 25 (for 10 ft/sec)

Guideline Purchasing Price: 15GP+ 5GP per 5 ft/sec of Max. Speed achieved in excess of 10


  1. Cancels the normal downwards force of Gravity upon taker, and allows him to fly using light concentration at up to a Max. Speed of at least 10 ft/sec (dependent on T achieved on original Spell) in any chosen vector. Weight carried in excess of Carrying Capacity reduces Max. Speed as it does for movement on the ground.
  2. Max. Speed after taking is zero, with no vector.  To change Max. Speed or vector requires at least one second's light concentration.  If the taker ceases to concentrate on flying he will maintain his existing speed and vector.
  3. Any vectors given by Gravity Spells or effects are cumulative with the Fly Potion.  Where multiple Max. Speeds are in effect, count only those which are being concentrated upon.
  4. Acceleration and deceleration is at 1G.  For further explanation see the General Notes to Gravity Spells.
  5. Duration (non-Extendable) is 9 + d6 min (i.e. 10-15 min).