Binder Demon Grimoire


Demon of Armour

Alignment / Host: G/L

Rank:  President

Lord No.  35

Sex: m

DL = 28

Appears always dressed in gleaming full Platemail, which may dazzle Participants.  Human-shaped but Sz25 and appears very muscular.  Has a deep, ringing voice.

In Circle:

  1. Will give a piece or complete suit of non-magical Armour or Horse Armour of any type and Size (not mithril or Combat Suits).
  2. Will identify enchantments on Armour.
  3. Will repair damage to existing Magic Armour (but not restore Disenchanted enchantments).

In Triangle:

  1. Will enchant any single piece (by HitLoc Area) of Armour or Horse Armour to give a Magic Armour bonus of +1 to ADS.  Each +1 enchantment is cumulative with previous ones.  Pacts are required to take any enchantment beyond +2.
  2. Pact: will enchant a whole suit of Armour or Horse Armour by +1 to ADS in a single session.
  3. Pact: will enchant Armour or Horse Armour with another type of enchantment, other than +s to ADS.
  4. Pact: will give Magic Armour or Horse Armour which is already enchanted.

Familiars:    muscular Imps, with the ability to forge metal Armour and to enchant it to +1 to ADS (but not to +2 or more).


  1. Will enchant metal or leather armour, but prefers metal - particularly Platemail.  Better deals for Leather Armour can normally obtained from TANNEA (if Her True Name is known).
  2. The maximum Plus to ADS of a piece or suit of Armour is equal to its normal max. ADS; e.g. Leather Armour is max. +2, Plate Armour is max. +5.  Reinforced Plate may still only be enchanted to a max. of +5.  Mithril Plate could in theory be enchanted to +6, giving a max. ADS of 12.
  3. Requires cash payment in mithril pieces only.  Has been known to accept platinum or gold, but only at a heavy discount.
  4. Denies His ability to give Heavenly Combat Suits (possibly due to an existing Pact).
  5. ARMATOR's own Armour is said to have Immunity to All Attacks, and is therefore a particularly coveted Item of almost Artifact status.  ARMATOR HImself will not confirm its properties or grant such an enchantment on other Armour.

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