Magic Armour and Shields
The following types of Magic Armour and Shields are the most commonly found in Anarea.
They may be of any type listed in the Armoury
(though the more common Armour types, e.g. Platemail or Leather Armour, are the most likely to be found).
Individual pieces (e.g. Helmets or Breastplates) may also be found.
Horse Armour
The following enchantments are typically obtained either from Pacts with
appropriate Demons or as Holy Armour granted in Commune
by Gods:
Pluses to ADS
- The stated Plus to ADS applies across all HitLocations covered by the
Armour. Areas with ADS 0 will not normally receive the ADS Plus,
because the ADS 0 normally indicates the Armour does not cover that part
(e.g. the face on an open faced steel helmet).
- The maximum Plus to ADS of a piece or suit of Armour is equal to its
normal max. ADS; e.g. Leather Armour is max. +2, Plate Armour is max.
+5. Reinforced Plate may still only be enchanted to a max. of
+5. Mithril Plate could in theory be enchanted to +6, giving a max.
ADS of 12.
- Gives +1 to ADS but does not count as Magical (unless also Enchanted).
- The +1 to ADS applies across all HitLocations covered by the Armour.
Areas with ADS 0 will not normally receive the ADS Plus, because the ADS 0
normally indicates the Armour does not cover that part (e.g. the face on an
open faced steel helmet).
- Gives only 50% of Encumbrance of steel Armour, but full Dx minuses.
- Gives full Thievish DLs
to OBS Activities or due to wearing
Armour, but only 50% (FRU) of those due to Encumbrance.
- Gives 0 Encumbrance and 0 Dx minuses.
- Will still give Thievish DLs
to OBS Activities, but not
those due to Encumbrance or wearing
- Only applies whilst worn / carried, so has its normal weight when taken
off but feels weightless when picked up.
Displacement +s to D & RD
- The Armour's aura bends light, making the wearer appear to be 1-4 ft per
Displacement Plus from
his actual position. This Displacing Effect gives bonuses to D and RD, and
also gives +5% per Plus to sts against any effects targeted by sight.
- The Displacing Effect applies against sight-targetted
attacks (usually the case in Melee) only, and the bonuses apply even when D would
otherwise be 0 (e.g. against certain Thievish attacks).
- Cumulative with Dodge
Spells and Effects, but not with other Displacement
Spells and Effects.
- Invulnerability 1: invulnerable to non-magical attacks,
vulnerable to silver & magical attacks, other beings with
Invulnerability 1 are vulnerable to it.
- Invulnerability 2: invulnerable to non-magical attacks,
silver attacks do half damage, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings
with Invulnerability 2 are vulnerable to it.
- Invulnerability 3: invulnerable to non-magical and silver
attacks, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 3
are vulnerable to it.
- See the Notes
to the Elementalist Invulnerability Spell for more details of the
- Only applies to attacks hitting the relevant piece of Armour / Shield.
Holy / Unholy Armour / Shields
- As per Holy / Unholy Weapons, but if
worn by someone with Accepted Ft in patron God,
typically give additional +s to ADS against attacks by Beings of opposite
Alignments; e.g. Unholy Armour of ZAKEL might give +1 to ADS or +3 to ADS against
Goods and Lawfuls.
- Only applies to attacks hitting the relevant piece of Armour / Shield.
Immunity to Undead
- Cannot be penetrated by attacks made by Undead Beings, including by their
Weapons or Spells.
- Only applies to attacks hitting the relevant piece of Armour / Shield.
Immunity to [Specific Species]
- Cannot be penetrated by attacks made by Beings of [Specified Species],
including by their Weapons or Spells.
- Only applies to attacks hitting the relevant piece of Armour / Shield.
- Bearer may draw the Shield in 1 sec without using an AMR, provided it is
carried on his person (within his aura) and is not tied or strapped down
with fastenings.
- Light
concentration is required to draw the Shield. If it contains a
Bound Higher Power (whihc is unlikely for Shields), it may draw itself if it perceives a threat.
- Shield always interposes against successful attacks on Bearer, provided he
is wielding it. It will do so even if he is unconscious or dead.
- If it also has Auto-arming, Shield may Auto-Interpose in the second of
- If Bearer is hit by multiple attacks in the same second, Bearer may
specify which he is Interposing, failing which Shield will auto-Interpose
against the nearest.
- Bearer cannot prevent Shield Auto-Interposing against a single successful
attack (e.g. if he fears it may destroy Shield).
Missile Turning
- If wielded, 1-100% chance (roll 2 d100 and succeeds if 1st <= 2nd) of
turning any incoming missile from within 45o of direction Shield
is facing.
- If a missile is turned it returns to its firer, subject to its Effective
Range not being exceeded, and aiming at a random Hit Location with its
original A and re-rolled Damage (both subject to range attenuation) against
his RD and ADS. Note that if firer also has a Turn Missiles Effect, it
could be turned back again to Target (subject to Effective Range, etc.
- Ranged and Thrown Weapons are assumed to cover each of the 3 Range
brackets making up their Effective Range in 1 sec. E.g. a Throwing Knife
with Effective Range 30 ft travels at 10 ft/sec, but a Heavy Crossbow
quarrel with Effective Range 450 ft travels at 150 ft/sec.
- Cumulative with other Missile Turning Effects (resolve each separately
until missile is turned).
Spell Turning
- If wielded, 1-100% chance (roll 2 d100 and succeeds if 1st <= 2nd) of
turning any Spell affecting wearer's Aura incoming from within 45o
of direction Shield is facing.
- See the
Elementalist Spell Turning Spell for more detials of the Effect.
- Cumulative with other Spell Turning Effects (resolve each separately
until Spell is fully turned).
- Regenerate @ 1HP/sec, starting 6 sec after first take
- Only Fire, Acid or Disintegration will prevent Regeneration. The body
Regenerates from the largest surviving piece.
- Only regenerates Damage taken whilst wearing the Armour from attacks
hitting the relevant piece of Armour.
- Increases wearer's movement
rates by a multiplier of *2. Does not
cause additional fatigue.
- Applies only to movement rates of wearer's own body. Does not increase
movement rates given by Spells (e.g.
Fly or
- Does not increase wearer's speed of thought, give additional
Initiative, AMR, D or allow Spells to be Cast quicker. It can
however give tactical advantages in Melee at the DM's discretion.
- RD is affected by speed of wearer in the
- Speed Effect is not cumulative with Enchanter Speed Effects
(e.g. Enchanter Speed Spells or
Potions of Speed), the best result of which
applies, but is cumulative with other non-Enchanter Effects which
increase movement rates (e.g. Gravity effects).
- Stand on Shield to use.
- Cancels the normal downwards force of Gravity upon the user, and
allows him to levitate using light
concentration at up to a Max. Speed of 10 ft/sec up or down against or in the normal
direction of Gravity in the area (as it may be changed by
Reverse Gravity
Spells or effects). Weight carried in excess of
Carrying Capacity reduces Max. Speed as it does for movement on the ground.
- Max. Speed after taking is zero, with no upwards or downwards vector. To change Max.
Speed or vector requires at least one second's light concentration. If
the user ceases to concentrate on levitating he will maintain his existing speed
and vector.
- Any vectors given by Gravity Spells or Effects are cumulative with
Levitate. Where multiple Max. Speeds are in effect, count only those which
are being concentrated upon.
- Acceleration and deceleration is at 1G. For further explanation see
the General Notes to Gravity Spells.
- Cancels the normal downwards force of Gravity upon wearer, and
allows him to fly using light
concentration (if Horse Armour, rider concentrates) at up to a Max. Speed
of 10 ft/sec in any chosen vector. Weight carried in excess of
Carrying Capacity reduces Max. Speed as it does for movement on the ground.
- Max. Speed after taking is zero, with no vector. To change Max.
Speed or vector requires at least one second's light concentration. If
the wearer / rider ceases to concentrate on flying he will maintain his existing speed
and vector.
- Any vectors given by Gravity Spells or effects are cumulative with the Fly
Effect. Where multiple Max. Speeds are in effect, count only those which
are being concentrated upon.
- Acceleration and deceleration is at 1G. For further explanation see
the General Notes to Gravity Spells.
- Makes wearer and his other possessions within his aura Invisible
by using light
concentration for up to a maximum of 24 Action Points ("AP")
per Caeriad.
- Only works properly with full suits of Armour (e.g. if only the
Helmet is worn, only wearer's head becomes Invisible). Open-faced
helmets or hoods are effective to make the face Invisible provided they
shade the face from a direct light source (Hide
in Shadows may be used to ensure this).
- For visual purposes only, the effect is as if the wearer were
not there. Light will appear to shine through him. He does
not cast a shadow, but will leave tracks.
- Thievish Detect
Hiding and Detect Man-to-Man (using
Sg) or Truesight Activities will not enable an
Invisible Being or object to be seen, as there is no image to be seen. This is
in contrast with Chameleon effects, which
blend the target in with its surroundings. Illusionist Sight Spells
(e.g. See Invisible) may enable
an Invisible Being or object to be seen, as they override Illusionist Sg effects.
- Chameleon and Invisibility effects both apply at once
(as they work differently). This could be useful against e.g. See
Invisible. An Invisible and Chameleoned taker expends Action Points for activities as normal.
- The effect ends when wearer ceases to concentrate on being Invisible
or when the Caeriadal AP allowance expires. AP are expended as follows:
- Violent Actions (e.g. Spell Cast, Fighting Attack, Parry, Shield or
Dodge): -6AP
- Walk: -1AP/min
- March: -1AP/36 sec
- Double / Run: -1AP/18 sec
- Charge / Sprint: -1AP/6 sec
Gaseous Form
Enables wearer to change to Gaseous Form once per
Caeriad using light
concentration and to change back when he ceases to concentrate on the
Effect (e.g. if he dies).
- The full suit of Armour should be worn, or part only
of the body may become Gaseous (which will sever it and may well result
in death).
Each change takes 1 sec. Wearer loses 10% Dam on making each change.
- The body and at least 1000
wt pts of clothes and possessions (in addition to the Armour of Gaseous
Form) become Gaseous.
- A Gaseous Form is
incorporeal and therefore immune to physical damage and Enchanter Spells,
but will be affected normally by area General Damage, such as Fire, Cold
and Lightning.
- The Gaseous Form is greyish mist that can be seen through and is of
the same size and appearance as the user's physical body (so Hides in
Shadows normally).
- The wearer can move silently
at up to 10 ft/sec through the air and change shape at will (e.g. to go
through keyholes). The Gaseous Form and movement in it are subject
to the wind (see the General
Notes for Air Spells). Wind of 40 mph or greater (ignoring his
own movement) will cause user to make a st every sec at BTS = (Windspeed)%
(Co), which if failed will result in (no. by which failed) HP General
Damage. 100% General Damage will fatally dissipate him.
- The wearer has his normal
perceptions in Gaseous Form and can talk and Cast Spells with Words and
Actions (but not most Materials). He cannot pick up objects, and
cannot therefore fight with corporeal weapons. Beings in Gaseous
Form cannot exchange Gaseous possessions with each other. The Armour
cannot be removed whilst in Gaseous Form.
Enables wearer to shift from the Real to
Ethereal Plane or vice versa in 1 second up to
6 times per Caeriad (i.e. to Ethereal and back 3 times) using
- The full suit of Armour should be worn, or part only of the body may
become Ethereal (which will sever it and may well result in death).
- Roll d100 each time used to translate betwen Planes. If 01 is rolled, the
Armour translates to the other Plane without the wearer. If 00 is
rolled, there is an Ethereal
Encounter (which may appear on the Ethereal even if the wearer has just
translated back to the Real).
Enables wearer to shift between the Real Plane,
Ethereal Plane and
Astral Plane (as an Astral Form) in 1 second up to 12 times per
Caeriad using light
- The full suit of Armour should be worn, or part only of the body may
become Ethereal or Astral (which will sever it and may well result in
- Roll d100 each time used to translate betwen Planes. If 01 is rolled, the
Armour translates to the other Plane without the wearer. If 00 is
rolled, there is an Astral or
Ethereal Encounter (which may appear on the Ethereal even if the wearer
has just translated back to the Real).
- Some rare, Cultist versions allow Planewalking to specified other Planes
of existence (e.g. Dreamworlds, Madness or Chaos).
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