Clerical Spell Specification

[1] Blend In / Cloak / Shadow

BTS: 25% (Sg)

ULT: 10 hours

Materials: some black cloth / for Cloak a cloak is required on Target

Actions: shake out Materials at Target / make gesture to that effect

Effect of Throw: Thievish DL = T/50 (FRU)

Duration: t min - 5 t(t-1)/2 %   (may be terminated by 1 sec light concentration from the Caster)

Range: 5d ft -20 + 5 (d(d+1)/2) %   If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on another Being or an object, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -20%.


  1. Cast on a single Target Being.
  2. The Spell allows the Caster to change physical appearance to blend the Target in with its environment.  It gives the Target Being a DL against Detect Hiding and Detect Man-to-Man when Sg is used.  To use the Spell successfully, it is recommended that the Target Being should also Hide in Shadows.  It is not necessary for the Target Being to Hide in Shadows, however, as the Spell still requires him to be seen with Detect Hiding due to the Spell effect even if he is not deliberately hiding.  If he attempts and fails Hide in Shadows, the DL given is reduced as per Note 9 below, depending on his speed of movement (i.e. failing to hide when Chameleoned but not moving has no effect).
  3. Blend In (WACON) harmonises the appearance of the Target with his/her surroundings.
  4. Cloak matches the colour of the Target's cloak to his environment / the shadows.
  5. Shadow only works where shadows may occur.  It increases the shadows around the Target.
  6. The Spell is not directly applicable against Truesight (which requires a target already seen), but if Truesight were to be used on the background object against which the Target is blending in, then the DL given would apply to prevent the Target being discerned, though not to protect that background object being truly seen.
  7. An observer must use the above Thievish OBS Activities to see a Target camouflaged by the Spell.
  8. The Spell is not cumulative with the Thievish Camouflage Activity, which achieves a similar effect.  Apply whichever gives the higher DL.
  9. The DL achieved is reduced (down to DL0) if the Target moves, as follows:

    The existing DL is re-established on the Target stopping moving.