1. Identify Animals

Yribt Cycle

Effect of Throw:

BTS: no st

ULT: 8 hours

Materials: a Target(s) Detected by Caster, either by observation or Magical Effect such as Detect Animals (Target does not have to be a Animal.  Caster just needs to think it might be.)

Actions: point finger at first Target and scratch head with the other hand

Effect of Throw:

1 to 10 No Effect

³ 11 Chance of Success = 5(T-10)%

Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2

Duration: t sec -t(t-1)/2


  1. Requires 1 sec heavy concentration per Target within Range.  Caster may seek to Identify further Targets within Range per sec of additional Duration, or may make repeated attempts to Identify the same Target in subsequent secs of Duration.
  2. If Target is a Animal and Chance of Success is rolled, Caster becomes aware of its species & genus.  He will comprehend its name in all Languages in which he is Fluent (even if he doesn't have the particular name of the Target in his vocabulary), and he will have a rough idea of its name in Languages which he Knows.  For example if he is Fluent in Valdrean he will know that a Target mammal is a grey or timber wolf, if he is Fluent in Ancient Valdrean he will know that the Sages classified it as Canis lupus, and if he Knows Quenya he will know it is called ráca or narmo (but not the Quenya word for the particular genus), but even if he is Fluent in Camarin, he will only know it is a four-legged land animal (as the Sea Folk don't have words for different types of land-dwelling creatures).
  3. Animals are mobile natural life forms, which are not part of a particular Forest, though they will have an affinity with it, and they may be part of a hive / swarm or herd.  They include Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Fish, Insects and Organisms (including non-mobile Organisms), but do not include ambulatory Vegetables.  Nor do they include Lycanthropes or other Monsters (e.g. a Giant Panther is a Feline Monster, which may count as a Cat for certain purposes but is not an Animal for the purpose of this Spell).