1. Detect Vegetables
Sered Cycle
BTS: no st
ULT: 8 hours
Materials: none
Actions: cup hands into a plant shape and focus
eyes upon area to be scanned
Effect of Throw:
1 to 9 No Effect
³ 10 Chance of Success = 5T% per
specimen or group of specimens within Radius (just make one check for a
clump of flowers growing together)
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2
Radius: 10r ft -r(r-1)/2
Duration: t hrs -t(t-1)
- Detect
Vegetables Detects
all Vegetables within Radius for Duration (even ones that Caster
can’t otherwise perceive). Caster knows exactly where each
Detected Vegetable is within the Radius (sufficient to target an
appropriate Spell upon it), but knows only that it is a Vegetable, not its
species or genus.
- Vegetables
typically have leaves, fruit and roots.
They include mushrooms, toadstools and (parasitic) tree fungi,
but exclude moulds, slimes & oozes, which are organisms (and
therefore animals). They do not include
Ents (which are
Monsters), but do include
Huorns and other ambulatory Trees and Plants.
- To identify the species and
genus of a Detected Vegetable, use
Identify Vegetables. To find a particular species or genus of
Vegetable at long range, use Locate
Vegetables. If Caster has Locate and Detect Vegetables in Effect
simultaneously, the Locate Vegetables will indicate exactly which Detected
Vegetable is the Located one.
- To
scan the Radius r secs
concentration is required. Continuous light concentration is
required to track the movements of an ambulatory Vegetable.
- Multiple
scans may be made to Detect the same Vegetables within the Radius,
whilst the Duration lasts.
- The Caster can move the Radius about using light
concentration, provided that its centre does not exceed
the Range (which is calculated from the Caster's current
location from time to time). This does not require continuous
concentration. Whilst the Duration lasts, it requires 1 sec light
concentration to fix upon a new Radius, then the scanning time.