2. Infect with Disease
Rodent Cycle
BTS: 54% (Co)
ULT: 20 hours
Materials: something unclean and ideally infected
with Disease-carrying Organisms. It does not have to be infected with
the Disease that is to be Caused (e.g. the Caster's dirty handkerchief will
Actions: wave Materials at Target
Effect of Throw:
1 to 11 No Effect
³ 12 % Chance of Success
= 5(T-11)%
Max. Disease Level ("DL") Caused:
-3DL (Caster may specify the Disease he is
attempting to Infect with by name or symptoms, rather than attempt to guess the DL
required, or may specify he is leaving the parameter open. The Nature
Spirit will set the necessary parameter based on the Disease most nearly
described by Caster, or at the highest DL that will give 100% Chance of Success if
left open.)
where the DLs of some common Diseases are as follows:
Disease Level |
Diseases |
1 |
common cold / grippe,
sores |
2 |
influenza, salmonella, grippe
& sores |
3 |
measles, mumps, lesser sexually transmitted diseases |
4 |
pneumonia, tetanus |
5 |
syphilis |
6 |
rabies |
7 |
typhoid, cholera |
8 |
smallpox |
9 |
cancer |
10 |
leprosy |
11 |
anthrax |
12 |
plague |
Infection with Lycanthropy
is by means of the separate Infect
with Lycanthropy Spell (Cultists of Were Cults only).
Infection by Plague may also be effected by means of the
higher-level Plague Spell.
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2
Cast on Object: -4
- Cast on a single Target carrier Being (alive, dead or Undead) or object,
to infect
them or it with the Disease-bearing organism. Carriers get a ST if
alive, and if they fail the ST and are vulnerable to contracting the
Disease they get a further ST against contracting it. (Note that,
unlike other Cause Disease Spells, Infect with Disease only creates
Carriers - though a Carrier may contract the Disease on failing a 2nd
ST.) The favoured Carrier of Rat Cultists is a Rat, but the Spell
may also be Cast on Weapons.
- If Target chooses not to or fails to save, roll d100 and if roll <=
% Chance of Success, he is infected with the Disease selected by the
Caster or Spirit. It may however take Target some time to suffer the
symptoms of the Disease, which will then run its natural course.
- If Target contracts the Disease, he will be as infectious as someone
who has naturally contracted the Disease. Also make STs for
members of his party whom he may infect as applicable. The Caster
is not immune to being infected, so the Causing of particularly
infectious Diseases needs to be considered carefully.
- Carriers (including Carrier objects, e.g. an Infected
weapon) infect with the Disease by causing Damage
>0. The victim gets a st @ BTS 50 + 5DL% (Co) (a st has to be made each time
Damage is taken).
- Target is not immune if he has had and survived the Disease
before. However, other Beings infected by him (or by an object or
carrier) will have their natural immunity, which increases Saving
Level. Many Underworld populations (and Overworld ones where there
are Evil Temples) have built up natural immunities as a result of
over-enthusiastic use of this Spell in the past. The people of Harrig
in particular are noted for their immunity to plagues.
- Diseases are caused by Organisms, which the Spell creates. Cause
Disease cannot cause mental diseases, which are classifed as Madness,
or poisoning by Poison (as
opposed to food poisoning by Organisms).