1. Reptilian Gaze (Detect Movement)
Saurian Cycle
BTS: n/a (no saving throw, but can attempt Hide in
Shadows against it)
ULT: 8 hours
Materials: a Saurian's eye
Actions: hold Materials against Target's Eye
Effect of Throw:
1 to 10 No Effect
11 to 20 DL = (T-10)
>= 21 DL = (T+1)/2 FRD
Duration: 5t min - t(t-1)/2
Range: 3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If Cast on self, there
is no Range minus. If Cast on another Being or an object, Range is at least
0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
Radius: 30r ft -r(r-1)/2
- Cast on a Target living Being who must not be blind.
- Gives Target the ability to see signs of movement like a Reptile
within Radius for Duration whilst he uses light
- Enables Target to spot signs of movement of Beings and physical objects within Radius, including any
which may be hidden
(including e.g. non-corporeal undead, gaseous forms,
Invisible beings and
objects and Thieves Hiding in
Shadows) by noticing their movement and/or signs of passing. Does
not enable Target to see such hidden Beings or objects unless they move.
- Does not cancel out Pass Unnoticed effects, including the abilities of
Nature Spirits or Elementals not to be seen as They go about Their normal
- T gives a Thievish DL versus
Hide in Shadows.
- Reptilian Gaze is effective irrespective of the Light /
Darkness / Radiation or Change Radiance Spells applicable in the Radius,
provided that it is within Target's Normal Visual Range or he has
obtained at least a "can distinguigh movement" result on
Nightsight or Infravision.
The base LI for Hide in Shadows is unchanged.
- Movement behind physical objects
cannot be seen without a line of sight.
- Does not enable moving Illusions to be detected (if otherwise hidden)
unless an Illusion of signs of movement has been specifically created.