1. Reptilian Gaze (Detect Movement)

Saurian Cycle

BTS: n/a (no saving throw, but can attempt Hide in Shadows against it)

ULT: 8 hours

Materials: a Saurian's eye

Actions: hold Materials against Target's Eye

Effect of Throw:

1 to 10 No Effect

11 to 20 DL = (T-10)

>= 21 DL = (T+1)/2 FRD

Duration: 5t min - t(t-1)/2

Range: 3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If Cast on self, there is no Range minus. If Cast on another Being or an object, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.

Radius: 30r ft -r(r-1)/2


  1. Cast on a Target living Being who must not be blind.
  2. Gives Target the ability to see signs of movement like a Reptile within Radius for Duration whilst he uses light concentration.
  3. Enables Target to spot signs of movement of Beings and physical objects within Radius, including any which may be hidden  (including e.g. non-corporeal undead, gaseous forms, Invisible beings and objects and Thieves Hiding in Shadows) by noticing their movement and/or signs of passing.  Does not enable Target to see such hidden Beings or objects unless they move.
  4. Does not cancel out Pass Unnoticed effects, including the abilities of Nature Spirits or Elementals not to be seen as They go about Their normal duties.
  5. T gives a Thievish DL versus Hide in Shadows.
  6. Reptilian Gaze is effective irrespective of the Light / Darkness / Radiation or Change Radiance Spells applicable in the Radius, provided that it is within Target's Normal Visual Range or he has obtained at least a "can distinguigh movement" result on Nightsight or Infravision.  The base LI for Hide in Shadows is unchanged.
  7. Movement behind physical objects cannot be seen without a line of sight.
  8. Does not enable moving Illusions to be detected (if otherwise hidden) unless an Illusion of signs of movement has been specifically created.