Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Charmer

3./5. Charm Monster (heavy / light concentration)

BTS: n/a

ULT: 175/225 hours

Materials: a living Monster's mind to target, to which a line of sight is required

Actions: point with one hand to target mind, and look along line of sight

Effect of Throw:

0 to 9 / 9 to 18    Insanity

10 to 13 / 19 to 22    Caster Backcharmed (Wp lost as normal)

14 to 17 / 23 to 26    No Effect

³ 18 Modifier ("M") = (T-22) / ³ 27 Modifier ("M") = (T-31)

M cannot be > (Target's SL)

Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2

Success establishes a Charm Link from Caster to Target and initiates a Wp Battle, with the Caster attacking at:

    (Caster's Wp) - ((Target's Wp)+((SL squared)/25)+(SL-M))

and the Target attacking at:

    (Target's Wp) - (Caster's Wp)

Domination in a Wp Battle Charms / Backcharms the loser.


  1. Targets the mind of a single living Monster.
  2. A Charmed target loses control of his mind, other than to attempt a further Wp Battle to break free if the Wp difference falls below 10. The Charmer does not gain control of the target's body, and cannot read or write to the target's mind, but can use the open Charm Link for further Charm Domination Spells which require one. A Charmed target will therefore normally freeze in place, become vulnerable to being killed by the Charmer or his party, and be unable to cast thought or reflex Spells.
  3. The Charm Link lasts whilst the winner of the Wp Battle maintains a line of sight within Range and concentration. The level of concentration required is heavy concentration for the L3 Spell or light concentration for the L5 Spell.  The line of sight is not broken by something passing across it, unless the target's body is totally obscured from sight. If the Charm Link is broken for any reason, the Charm is broken.
  4. See also the General Notes for Charmer Spells.