Thievish Activity Specification

* Restricted: certain Hellish Brotherhoods only

Hide Smell ("HSm")


Relevant Chars: Dx(Ph) / Dx(M) / Sm

Succeeds on: 25%

Hide Smell is the art of positioning oneself in air currents or amidst other smells, so as to make it harder for one's scent to be detected in tactical situations.  It gives a DL against the Tactical Effect of  Scent, but has no effect against the Strategic Effect.

T Effect
>= 101 Failure 4: Mask Smell @ DL -3
76 to 100 Failure 3: Mask Smell @ DL -2
51 to 75 Failure 2: Mask Smell @ DL -1
26 to 50 Failure 1: no effect
25 to 1 Hide Smell Tactically @ DL1
0 to -24 Hide Smell Tactically @ DL2
-25 to -75 Hide Smell Tactically @ DL3
<= -76 Hide Smell Tactically @ DL 3 - (T+75)/50 FRU

The effect of Hide Smell is cumulative with all other effects giving a DL against Scent, e.g. Mask Smell, Alchemical Stink Bombs , the Illusionist Sm Chameleon Spell.

Hide Smell does not prevent the Thief being seen or heard.

Difficulty Levels:

  1. Movement: Thief walking / moving gently DL1, marching / moving vigorously DL3, running / moving violently (e.g. making a thievish attack) DL6, sprinting / moving at will (e.g. making a non-thievish attack or Casting a Spell with full Actions) DL10
  2. Downwind of Scenter: DL-1 per point on Beaufort Scale of maximum windspeed
  3. Upwind of Scenter: DL1 per point on Beaufort Scale of maximum windspeed
  4. Other smells in tactical area: DL-1 each (strong smells may give greater DL minuses, multiple instances of the same smell do not necessarily all give DL-1; e.g. if there are multiple humans in a melee situation the DL is -1 for human scent, or -2 if the DM considers it particularly crowded and sweaty)

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