* Restricted Information: only those who have come across or learned of them

Magic Item Specification

Type of Item: Ring

Ring of Healing

Description: a ring (usually gold) with a mounted gemstone (usually a bloodstone or ruby)


  1. Ring Heals wearer and discharges at 1HP/sec, until wearer has no more Damage or Ring is fully discharged (whichever first occurs). If Ring is recharged, the Healing effect does not start until the next sec.  Healing immediately restores HP of Damage, and cures Crippling and Incapacitation effects on restoring the HP losses which caused them.  Will stop bleeding if completely heals the wound which is bleeding.
  2. Ring has a maximum capacity of HP which can be Healed, and can be recharged by Casting Clerical, Druidic or Elementalist Heal Spells on wearer.  Spells of the same discipline as the Ring store their full effect (in excess of any Damage Healed by them) up to the Ring's capacity.  Spells of other disciplines store at half effect (FRD).  Clerical Rings are Sanctified to a particular God Who gives Heal Spells, and Spells of an Allied God store at half effect (FRD), whilst Spells of an opposing God have no effect.


  1. See General Notes on Magic Rings.

  2. Gemstone is a Bound L2 Enchanter Elemental (even if the Ring is Clerical or Druidic).  It does not count as permanently Activated for Casting Elementalist Spells, and may not be Activated for that purpose, even using its True Name.  It may be Activated into Conference using its True Name.

  3. The Healing effect is not Regeneration and only works on a living Being.  If wearer dies (from Damage or otherwise), the Ring ceases to have any effect.

Encumbrance: 2

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