Monster Specification



Typical Monster Level ("ML"): 3 to 7

Typical Number Encountered: 1 or 2 (25% chance of 2)

Usual Alignment(s): N/C, E/C, G/C

Description: usually appear as a Person or another Monster, but in their true form they are grey, putty-like humanoids, often carrying crude clubs

Habitat: Dungeons, Green Areas, Wilderness Areas, Chaos, Dreams, Madness

Language: have the Power to converse in any language spoken to them

Chars: Co 3d8, Wp 3d6


Rate Melee Travelling
Walk 3 ft/sec 2 mph
March 5 ft/sec 3 mph
Double / Run 8 ft/sec 5 mph
Charge / Sprint 12 ft/sec n/a

Fighter Abilities:

ML/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5ML) %    RD = 5 + (5ML) %    5 + (5ML) HP

Attack Modes:

Hand  @ A = 10ML %, DAM = d8

Club @ A = 8ML%, DAM = 2d4+2

HitLoc Table: as per Sz assumed

ADS: 1 all over

Effects of Specific Damage: as per People, except do not Bleed

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = ML

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Tricky monsters which use their powers below to infiltrate and sow discord in parties.  Will try and pick off party members one by one when can do so without being caught, but after disposing of the one they have mimicked may take their time over the others.
  2. Can Shapechange at will between Sz 5 to 20, taking 1 sec per 5 points of Sz changed.  This is a real change to the shape and size (but not appearance) of their body.  They keep the Shapechanged form on death.
  3. Can Change Self at will in 1 sec so that their appearance mimics any Being observed (including corporeal Undead).  This is an all-Senses Illusion giving a Thievish DL of 2ML against Thievish and Illusionist Detect Disguise.  They Act Disguise at an M of 30ML% (as per Thievish Abilities above) with no DL.  They cannot Change Self to inanimate objects, only Beings observed that are within their Shapechange Sz range, but this does mean they can e.g. assume the appearance of small trees or bushes (though they prefer not to do so for long, as they tend to become mentally like the Being whose appearance they have assumed).  As the Change Self is an Illusion, they do not gain the powers or abilities of the Being whose appearance they have assumed.  They lose the Changed Self form on death.  The Change Self can extend to cover a club to make it appear like a weapon.
  4. Can converse in any language spoken to them (e.g. if they hear Spells Cast, they can pretend to Cast them themselves).  Can throw voice by Ventriloquism up to 5ML ft.
  5. Saving Level vs Magic = 2ML.
  6. 5% of them Regenerate at 1HP/mr.
  7. Have infiltrated Chaos, Dreams and Madness with parties of people.  Their powers of mimicry have enabled those that have to pick up something of the arts of ChaosMastery and Dreaming, or to become Mad.  Such Dopplegangers have become especially tricky opponents.

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