Oil of Etherealness
The blood of a freshly-slain Phase
Spider (makes enough for 64 Oils)
Purchasing Price: 1,000GP
(NB A version of the Recipe held by certain Spider Cults, notably the
Liantelië of the Calaquendi, allows Phase Spiders to be bled for the Materials
without killing them. According to their Lore, this is a dispensation
granted to them by ARACHNE interceding with
Elementalist Etherealness with a Throw giving
a minimum of 34 (for 6 ft/sec)
Purchasing Price: 50GP+ 5GP per 1 ft/sec of Max. Speed achieved in excess of 6
- Oil of Etherealness is an Oil, and may therefore only be applied
externally. It is important that the whole body and all possessions
carried are coated, though the Oil will flow to cover any patches missed.
- In the second after application, the taker and all possessions he is carrying
that are coated are translated to the equivalent point on the Ethereal Plane
to that on the
Plane he was on when the Oil was applied.
- The taker may move in three dimensions on the Ethereal Plane at up to a Max. Speed of at least
6 ft/sec
(dependent on T achieved on original Spell) by using light
concentration. Weight carried in
excess of Carrying Capacity reduces Max Speed in accordance with the Encumbrance
system as it does speed of movement on the ground.
- Duration
(non-Extendable) is 9 + d6 min (i.e. 10-15 min). In the second after the last second of Duration the Spell translates the
taker and all possessions he is carrying that are still coated are
translated from his current
point on the Ethereal Plane to the equivalent point on the Plane he was on
when the Oil was applied. The Duration may also be terminated in respect of
the taker or any of his possessions by applying wine (which washes off the
- Physical obstacles do not block translation. Translating to the same
point as that occupied by another Being or a mobile object will normally
displace that Being or object. Translating into a solid immovable
object (e.g. solid rock or a wall) can be fatal. There are no natural
physical obstacles on the Ethereal Plane.
- The Oil may be applied to someone who is already on the Ethereal
Plane. Multiple Etherealness effects are not cumulative, but the taker
has the highest Max Speed of Ethereal movement and the longest
Duration on the Ethereal of all Etherealness effects upon him.
- One Oil of Etherealness normally provides enough Oil to coat one Person of
up to Sz 18 and his possessions (c150 Hit Loc points, with 1 fl. oz. of a 1
pint Oil covering c7.5 Hit Loc points). The Oil may be
applied to multiple Beings and/or objects, but applying it too sparingly
gives a %age chance that it will have no effect (or a further 10% chance if
it has no effect that only part of the taker will be translated onto the