1. Faerie Fire
Ranian Cycle
BTS: n/a (no saving throw, but can attempt Hide in
Shadows against it)
ULT: 8 hours
Materials: sparkly dust or powder (sand will do)
Actions: sprinkle Materials (so may take some time
to pick them up if they are to be re-used)
Effect of Throw:
1 to 10 No Effect
11 to 20 DL = (T-10)
>= 21 DL = (T+1)/2 FRD
Duration: t min - t(t-1)/2
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2
Radius: 10r ft -r(r-1)/2 (as a sphere, or
hemisphere if cast on ground)
- Requires no concentration. Radius is fixed, and may not be
- Identifies beings and physical objects within Radius, including any
which may be hidden
(including e.g. non-corporeal undead, gaseous forms,
Invisible beings and
objects and Thieves Hiding in
Shadows) by outlining them with a LI +1 multicoloured phosphorescence.
- Does not cancel out Pass Unnoticed effects, including the abilities of
Nature Spirits or Elementals not to be seen as They go about Their normal
- T gives a Thievish DL versus
Hide in Shadows or Hide Devices.
Faerie Fire may reveal certain kinds of traps (e.g. tripwires), but does
not illumine closed Secret Doors or trapdoors or make details any more
obvious. Invisible Thieves have their Invisibility negated by Faerie
Fire, but may still attempt to Hide in Shadows against it as normal.
- The Faerie Fire phosphorescence is visible irrespective of the Light /
Darkness / Radiation or Change Radiance Spells applicable in the Radius,
though really bright light will make it difficult to look into the Radius.
The base LI for Hide in Shadows is unchanged (it is not LI +1 from the
Faerie Fire).
- The phosphorescence also hangs sparkling in the air, irrespective of
whether anything is revealed. It will reveal beings and objects even
if they are not hidden. It tracks movements within and into the
Radius, but does not illumine anyone or anything that leaves the Radius.
If things are hidden behind other things, they are illumined, but still
cannot be seen without a line of sight.
- Effect is visual only.
Specialist Note (Restricted Information
not usually learnt by Druids with the Spell, but may be known to
Illusionists with some Druidic knowledge):
- Visual Illusions
will be illumined by Faerie Fire as if they are real, unless the
Illusionist removes the Faerie Fire as an Element. Non-Visual
Illusions are not illumined by Faerie Fire (e.g. an Auditory-only Illusion
of someone walking will not have the supposed thief illumined, but an
Audio-Visual Illusion of an invisible person walking will be illumined!).