4. See through [Specific Animals]' Eyes
Cycle of the Beastmasters
4. Hear via Bats' Ears Nightwing
4. Smell via Bears'
Noses Ursine Cycle /
Smell via Pigs' Snouts Porcine
5. See through Animals' Eyes
Ranian Cycle
5. See via Trees
Sered Cycle of the Tree People
BTS: no ST
ULT: 32 hours (L4 Spell) / 40 hours (L5 Spells)
Materials: a mirror or other reflective surface
(e.g. a pool of water) or a crystal ball
Actions: pass palm of hand over Materials
L4 Spell |
L5 Spells |
1 to 13 |
No Effect |
1 to 14 |
No Effect |
14 |
Scrying Range: (T-13) miles |
15 |
Scrying Range: (T-14) miles |
Duration: t hrs - t(t-1)/2
Casting Range: 30d ft
- Allows
the Caster to scrye through the eyes of a Target Animal, which must be
within Casting Range when Cast, but may then move away up to Scrying
Range from Caster. If Target moves beyond Scrying Range of Caster
(or vice-versa) or Duration expires, the scrying effect ends.
- Whilst Caster lightly
concentrates, what Target Animal sees through its eyes is shown in
Materials to all who can see Materials. The picture is subject to
limitations of the Target Animal's vision. E.g. if Target Animal
is an eagle, the picture has excellent resolution, if a mole, it is very
poor. If Target Animal "sees" with other Senses, the
results are not shown in picture (e.g. a bat "seeing" by
echolocation). Animals may not always look at what Caster wishes
to see, being usually focused on finding food or mates.
- Those viewing may attempt Thievish Observation Activities through the
scrying, but may not Cast Spells through it (though it may be used to
target where line of sight is required and Target is otherwise within
Range of Caster; e.g. to Cast through a wall by sending an Animal round
to give a line of sight).
- If Materials are portable, Caster may move with them so long as he
keeps them within Casting Range.
- Does
not give the Caster control of Target Animal, but can usefully be
combined with Summon Spells and Speak with
Animals. Some Animals may need to be offered rewards, usually
in the form of food.
- See through
[Specific Animals]' Eyes only works on Target Animals of the
[Specific Animal] Species.
- Hear via Bats' Ears only works on Bats
and produces visual representations of soundscapes, using echolocation
from Target Bat. The sounds are also heard, but even Bat Cultists
need practice to comprehend the sounds alone.
- Smell via Bears' Noses only works on Bears
and produces scents rather than visions (Bears have an acute sense of
smell). The scents are increased so People can smell them and
emanate from the Materials, which also produce a visual representation
of the scents as a Bear would understand them. Non-Bear Cultists
will need practice to comprehend such visual representations.
- Smell via Pigs' Snouts only works on Pigs and produces scents rather than visions
(Pigs have an acute sense of
smell). The scents are increased so People can smell them and
emanate from the Materials, which also produce a visual representation
of the scents as a Pig would understand them. Non-Boar Cultists
will need practice to comprehend such visual representations.
- See via Trees allows Caster to scrye from out
of the trunk of a Target Tree within Scrying Range in the same Forest
from which he has previously have instressed at least 10IP (as for Transport
via Plants / Trees). If less than 10IP have been instressed,
ratio T by (IP instressed)/10. If the Target Tree was last
instressed before the Caster bound (finished learning) See via Trees, he
takes -10 (-1 per 1/10 LT outstanding). There is also a penalty of -1
per year since Target Tree was last instressed from. There is no
limit to the number of potential Target Trees which can be remembered in
this way. The picture is as seen by a person, and the viewing
point may be moved about Target Tree by Caster using light
- Can also be used (either way) between an Animal / Tree in the Real and
an Animal / Tree of the same Species in the Dream Kingdom of that
Species which is within Scrying Range of the Real Animal / Tree's Dream
form in the Kingdom (though distance is mutable in the Tree Kingdom),
subject to a Ratio of 2/3 Throw for Casting
Spells between the Planes. Casting Range is measured to the
Animal / Tree in the same Plane as Caster (and Caster must stay within
Casting Range of it or the effect will terminate).