5. Summon Organism    Organic Cycle    (Keragund only)

BTS: no ST

ULT: 40 hours

Materials: a piece of organic material from, or an image of, the specimen to be Summoned.  The image may be drawn when Casting.

Actions: brandish Materials in air as Caster calls out the Summons.  If image is drawn, draw it when Casting and call out the Summons to it.

Effect of Throw:

1 to 14 No Effect

>= 15 Range: (T-14)/2 miles FRX

No. Summoned: n -n(n-1)/2

Duration: t hr


  1. May be used to Summon mobile Organisms (e.g. Black Puddings, Gelatinous Cubes, Grey Oozes, Ochre Jellies) or Lycanthropes.
  2. Caster may specify one of the above species when Casting (or a particular type of Lycanthrope, e.g. Werewolves), or can specify a particular specimen instressed by him.
  3. Spell summons nearest n specimen(s) of type specified within Range ("Target").  If none meeting specified criteria are within Range, there is no effect.  Caster does not know if Spell has been successful until Target turns up.
  4. Target does not get a ST (even if it is a Shapechanged Dr, but he can change out of that Organism form to defeat the summons!), and will come to Caster at its maximum natural speed for Duration.  This can take some time with the slower Organisms.  If Duration expires before it arrives, the summoning effect ceases.
  5. When Target arrives it will behave normally, and may therefore attack Caster and/or his companions.  Werewolves in particular do not like being Summoned.  The Spell does not allow Caster to control or converse with Target.