* Restricted: Spider
Cultists who demonstrate a need for it only
7. Transport
J'Ungol Cycle (Non-Standard)
BTS: 74% (Sz) + 1 per
Poison Level currently taken by
ULT: 83 hours
Materials: a spider's web (the "Entry Web") of at
least the same height and width as the Target. Target must be caught
in or surrounded by the Entry Web.
Actions: point at Target
Effect of Throw:
1 to 16 No Effect
³ 17 St mod: BTS + 2 sqr. rt. (T-17) (FRD); i.e.
- T17: BTS +0 = 74%
- T18: BTS +2 = 76%
- T21: BTS +4 = 78%
- T26: BTS +6 = 80%
- T33: BTS +8 = 82%
- T42: BTS +10 = 84%
- T53: BTS +12 = 86%
- T66: BTS +14 = 88% (NB T66 on a L7 Dr Spell is normally impossible, as
even a L10 Spirit can only give max T65.)
Range to Target: 20d feet -d(d-1)/2
Weight carried by Target: 600w weight points -w(w-1)/2 (excluding body
weight of Target)
Caster may either estimate weight and allow
sufficient minus for this parameter, with No Effect if insufficient, or may
leave the parameter open, taking whatever minus is given by the weight carried
by Target.
Mod ("C") of location where target spider's web (the "Exit
Web") is situate < 1: -1 per 0.1 that C < 1
- Cast on a single Target Being, who must be caught in or surrounded by
the Entry Web.
- If Target fails his st, he is Transported to another spider's Web
specified by Caster of at least the same height and width as the Target
(the "Exit Web"),
irrespective of distance or Forest.
- The Caster must have previously have instressed at least 10IP from the
Exit Web. If less than 10IP have been instressed, ratio %age
Chance of Success by (IP instressed)/10. If the Exit Web was last instressed before the Caster bound (finished
learning) Transport via Webs, he takes -10 (-1 per 1/10 LT outstanding). There is
also a penalty of -1 per year since Exit Web last instressed last
visited. There is no limit to the number of potential Exit Webs which can be
remembered in this way.
- Entry and Exit Webs on different Planes count as different
destinations. Normal penalties apply (see "Casting Spells
between the Planes" in the General Magic-Using System) for Transporting
via Webs to another Plane. Locations on the Ethereal or Astral
Planes have the same Circs. Mod. as their corresponding location on the
Real Plane for the purpose of the Circs. Mod. Variable Parameter.
- The Caster may Target himself.
- The Target may choose not to save.
- An Exit Web may be used to receive multiple Targets as prey.
Targets after the first will appear in a vacant space in the Exit Web,
but if there is insufficient space left in the Exit Web to receive a
Target, the Spell will fail.
- Targets may attempt to leave the Exit Web, if conscious and capable
of movement. See the Web Spell Sec. for
further details. Target will be as caught by Exit Web as he was by Entry
Web, though this may be affected by the relative Web Strengths of the
two Webs.
See also the FAQ for Planist Spells