Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Enchanter
3. Hide Life (Radius)
BTS: 30% (At)
ULT: 80 hours
Materials: something dead (which was once alive)
Actions: gesture
towards Radius with Materials
Effect of Throw:
-1 to 8 Insanity
9 to 11 All living bodies in Radius go into Suspended Animation for Duration, losing all
bodily and mental function and appearing to be dead (except to Spot
Details with DL -1 to +1 and to Spells
targeting living Beings)
12 to 15 No Effect
³ 16 Hide Life if (Effective T
of Incoming Spell) ≤ (T of Hide
Life) and with Thievish DL vs Spot
Details = (T-15)/3 FRD
Range: 20d ft -d(d-1)/2
Cast on object or Target Living Corporeal Being: -4 (moves with
object or Being)
Radius: 10r ft -r(r-1)/2
- Cast on a Radius and affects Target living bodies only within Radius,
who may make sts.
- If Cast on a Target Living Corporeal Being he only gets only one st
against the Radius being centred on him and the Hide Life Effect.
If he makes the st, the Spell has no effect upon anyone.
- Hide Life makes a Target appear to be dead. Physically he will not
appear to be breathing or to have a pulse, though if he moves or
talks he may be taken to be Undead. He cannot be targeted or
affected by Spells or Effects that only affect living Beings unless they
have an Effective Throw that is greater than that achieved on the Hide
Life. The Spell is also effective against the Detect
Life ability of Undead.
- For El and Dr Spells Effective Throw will normally equal the final Throw, but Detect
Life Spells or Effects may give a higher Effective Throw. For
Cl Spells Effective Throw = T/5. The Effective T of Potions is
that of the Spell Cast in creating them. The Effective Throw of
the Detect Life ability of Undead is (10 + 3UL).
- If a Target wishes to play dead he
will need to keep very still, as Hide Life does not assist with
this. Spot Details may be
used to detect signs of life (breathing or a pulse) on Target, but
subject to a Thievish DL given by the Throw on Hide Life.
- Incoming Spells that
only affect living Beings and have Effective T < T of Hide Life will
not affect a Target even if their Casters know that he is actually
alive, unless they have successfully Detected
Life on him after all Hide Life effects currently affecting him had
come into effect. This does not apply to Spells Cast by a Target
on himself, but does apply to Potions applied by him to himself.
- If not Cast on an object or Being,
Caster may move the Radius using light
concentration. If an affected Target leaves the Radius, the
Hide Life Effect ceases to apply to him. If new living bodies
enter the Radius during Duration (or previously affected ones return),
they become affected by the Hide Life (unless they make a st).