* Restricted: Assassins, Snake Cultists, Reptiles and Reptilain Monsters only
Relevant Chars: Hr / Tc
Succeeds on: 15%
Enables Thief to smell distant Beings by putting their tongue in the air. Will only sense Beings to which there is a line of taste through the air.
T | Effect |
>= 16 | Failure: nothing tasted |
-9 to 15 | Scent tasted, cannot distinguish direction |
-34 to -10 | Scent tasted, can distinguish direction only |
-49 to 25 | Scent tasted, can distinguish general numbers and direction |
<= -50 | Scent tasted, can distinguish approximate numbers and direction |
Difficulty Levels:
Difficulty Levels:
1. Number of Beings leaving scent (Strategic only):
OR Number of Beings in area, other than Thief (Tactical only):
2. Type of Beings being Tasted:
3. Environment:
4. Population density of environment (Strategic only):
6. Weather:
7. Distance to Quarry (Tactical only): DL1 per 10Wft, where W = Windspeed on Beaufort Scale if downwind of Quarry, or 1 / Windspeed on Beaufort Scale if upwind of Quarry.
8. ThL of Quarry (FRD to one decimal place: e.g for ThL 3.3333 DL is 3.3, giving +33% to T). Note that Hide in Shadows and Move Silently are also irrelevant to being Scented. However Ths may use Mask Smell to increase DL of Scenting them.
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