* Restricted Information: senior members of Thieves' Guilds / Brotherhoods, WAGREN & SOROK Clerics & possessors of Shadowmen only

Magic Item Specification


Shadowmen are Thievish constructs animated by the will of HALKI purely to engage in Thievery.  They are man-shapes cut out of black felt or other material (usually on the small side, but cSz 8 is typical), and when folded or cut up they become just material.  They are animated by shaking out or repairing them, and then releasing them.

They have an M on all Thievish Activities of a fixed %age (typically in the range 50 to 250%) and a DL vs opposing Thieves of 2/3 their M (FRD) on a %age basis.  E.g. a 100% Shadowman Hides in Shadows with M = 100% and gives opposing Ths a DL of 66% on DetH (equivalent to a ThL of 6.6).

Shadowmen have no intelligence as such, but can respond to simple commands to do Thievish things, and can report back information in a Whisper.

They may be obtained by a Pact with URIEL, Demon of Shadows or VALEFOR, Demon of Theft or created temporarily with the Shadowman Spell.

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