Typical Monster Level ("ML"): 8 to 10
Typical Number Encountered: 1
Usual Alignment(s): E/C, E/N, N/C
Description: Has 3 heads, of a goat, a lion and a dragon, the wings of a dragon, the forequarters and tail of a lion, and the hindquarters of a goat. The dragon parts may be white, black, green, blue or red (20% chance of each, though may vary by habitat as per encounters with dragons). The dragon's head and neck are in the centre, the lion's and goat's head on the left and right (randomly determine which way round).
Habitat: Dungeons, Green Areas, Wilderness Areas, Chaos
Language: none (but can bleat and roar like a goat, lion and/or dragon)
Chars: Co 3d8, Wp: goat head 3d6, lion head 2d6, dragon head 4d6
Rate | Melee | Travelling |
Walk | 5 ft/sec | 3.5 mph |
Scamper | 8 ft/sec | 5.5 mph |
Lope | 16 ft/sec | 11 mph |
Charge | 24 ft/sec | n/a |
Can also Fly at up to 20 ft/sec = 120 ft/MR = 13.5 mph
Fighter Abilities:
5 AMR; one each for goat head , lion head, dragon head and two for lion's claws. Roll each separately. The 3 head attacks may be made in the same second. The claws attacks may be made in the same second as each other or as a head attack, but no claw attack may be made in the same second as all surviving heads attack, and for two claws to attack simultaneously two surviving heads must not be attacking. (I.e. each head has separate Initiative rolls, which it may use to control its own attack or that of one claw, but not both at once).
D = 25 + (5ML) % RD = 5 + (5ML) % 5 + (5ML) HP
Attack Modes:
Goat Butt @ A = 8ML %, DAM = 2d6
Lion Bite @ A = 10ML %, DAM = d10
Dragon Bite @ A = 5ML %, DAM = 3d6
or Dragon Breath: uses an AMR, but is a non-targeted area effect.
White Dragon head: ML/2 d6 Cold Damage (BTS 8ML% [Co]) in 45o cone, 5ML ft long
Black Dragon head: ML/2 d6 Acid Damage (BTS 8ML% [Co]) in 60o cone, 4ML ft long
Green Dragon head: Poison Gas of PL = ML/2 (BTS 7ML% [Sm]) in cloud of approx. diameter 2ML ft or jet up to 5ML ft long and ML ft wide
Blue Dragon head: ML/2 d6 Lightning Damage (BTS 7ML% [Co]) in 1 ft wide bolt, 10ML ft long
Red Dragon head: ML/2 d6 Fire Damage (BTS 6ML% [Co]) in 45o cone, 5ML ft long
Notes on Breath Weapons:
Each st made against Damage or Poison halves the effect (FRD, in favour of subject), e.g. if 35HP of Fire Damage are taken, and a st made, 17HP are taken instead, and a further st may be attempted to reduce the Damage to 8HP.
All Breath Weapon effects last for 1 sec. Cold, Fire and Lightning may affect the environment as per their respective effects. Acid is permanent, but will quickly dissolve away into most environments. Poison Gas dissipates by halving PLs every sec, but anyone who has saved is assumed to be holding their breath, and anyone who is unconscious is assumed not to be breathing sufficiently to take a further dose.
Breath Weapons recharge at 1ML per second.
Lion Claw @ A = 10ML %, DAM = d8
HitLoc Table:
HitLoc Area |
Front |
Side |
Rear |
Goat's Head |
36 to 55 |
[15 to 25]* |
n/a |
Lion's Head | 26 to 55 | [15 to 25]* | n/a |
Dragon's Head | 01 to 25 | 01 to 10 | n/a |
Dragon's Neck | 26 to 55 | 11 to 25 | n/a |
Dragon's Wings (*2) | 56 to 85 | 26 to 45 | 01 to 10 |
Lion's Front Legs (*2) |
116 to 150 |
46 to 75 |
n/a |
Lion's Chest |
86 to 115 |
76 to 115 |
n/a |
Goat's Abdomen |
n/a |
116 to 145 |
11 to 40 |
Goat's Hind Legs (*2) | n/a | 146 to 165 | 41 to 65 |
Lion's Tail |
n/a |
166 to 175 |
66 to 75 |
* may only be hit if attacking from side it's on
HitLoc Area |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
Goat's Head |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 4 |
Lion's Head | 3 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Dragon's Head | 4 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 4 |
Dragon's Neck | 3 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 3 |
Dragon's Wings (*2) | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Lion's Front Legs (*2) |
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Lion's Chest |
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Goat's Abdomen |
3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Goat's Hind Legs (*2) | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Lion's Tail |
2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Effects of Specific Damage:
Hit Loc Area | %age HP Damage taken | Effects |
Goat's Head | 15% | Unconscious, Co check vs Death (of that Head only) |
30% | Decapitation, Death (of that Head only), Bleed 5%/min | |
Lion's Head | 20% | Unconscious, Co check vs Death (of that Head only) |
40% | Decapitation, Death (of that Head only), Bleed 5%/min | |
Dragon's Head | 20% | Unconscious, Co check vs Death (of that Head only) |
40% | Decapitation, Death (of that Head only), Bleed 5%/min | |
Dragon's Neck | 25% | Co check vs Neck Broken (= Death of Dragon Head) |
50% | Neck Broken (= Death of Dragon Head), Co check vs Neck Severed (=Bleed 5%/min) | |
75% | Neck Severed (=Death of Dragon Head + Bleed 5%/min) | |
Dragon's Wings (*2) | 30% | Co check vs Wing Crippled |
60% | Wing Crippled (spirals to ground), Co check vs Wing Severed | |
90% | Wing Severed (plummets to ground) | |
Lion's Front Legs (*2) | 30% | Co check vs Leg Crippled |
60% | Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed | |
90% | Leg Severed | |
Lion's Chest | 80% | Incapacitated, Co check vs Death, Bleed 5%/min, Co check vs Bleed 5%/MR |
160% | Death | |
Goat's Abdomen | 60% | Co check vs Death/MR, Bleed 5%/MR |
120% | Death | |
Goat's Hind Legs (*2) | 25% | Co check vs Leg Crippled |
50% | Leg Crippled, Co check vs Leg Severed | |
75% | Leg Severed | |
Lion's Tail | 10% | Co check vs Tail Crippled |
20% | Tail Crippled, Co check vs Tail Severed | |
30% | Tail Severed |
Each Head can be separately killed without affecting the ability of the remaining Heads to carry on fighting (or escaping).
Bleeding effects from Crippling and Severance of Wings and Legs (not Heads, Neck or Tail) are as for People.
Thievish Abilities:
M on Th Activities:
Defensive ThL = ML/2, FRU
Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:
White Dragon-headed Chimerae: Cold Resistance of -1 per d6 / Fire-Vulnerable
Black Dragon-headed Chimerae: Acid Resistance of -1 per d6
Green Dragon-headed Chimerae: Poison Resistance of -1 PLs per dose
Blue Dragon-headed Chimerae: Lightning Resistance of -1 per d6
Red Dragon-headed Chimerae: Fire Resistance of -1 per d6 / Cold-Vulnerable
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