Alignment / Host: N/L
Rank: President
Lord No. 254
Sex: m
DL = 28
Appears in the likeness of an archer, clad in green, and bearing bow and quiver. Causes arrow-wounds to putrefy.
In Circle:
In Triangle:
Note that "Bow or Longbow" above does not include Crossbows. LERAJIE will be most offended if asked to do anything in relation to Crossbows (other than to destroy them).
Bow or Longbow users (e.g Fairies) with own Bow or Longbow (at least +0 - more by paying more for Familiar), usually with Auto-Reload. The Familiar's Magic Bow or Longbow is Personal to It, and only gives its pluses to the Familiar. If anyone else (including the Master) uses the Bow or Longbow it gives minuses of the same amount, but still counts as a Magic Bow or Longbow. When the Familiar dies, the Bow or Longbow is Destroyed (no st).
Fighter Abilities:
AMR = DL/3, FRU or Master's AMR if using Bow or Longbow (if greater),
plus Bow or Longbow has Auto-Reload as above, plus may
fire two arrows at once
D = 25 + (5DL) % or Master's D (whichever is greater)
= 5 + (5DL) % or Master's RD (whichever is greater)
HP = (Master's HP)
Attack Modes:
Bow or Longbow @
A = (Master's A with Bow or Longbow of that type) + 5(plus to A from
Its Magic Bow or Longbow) % or 10DL% (whichever is greater)
DAM = (Master's DAM with Bow or Longbow of that type) + (plus
to DAM from Its Magic Bow or Longbow)
Claw / Bite (as applicable to Form) @ A = 10DL%, DAM dependent on Form - d4 or d6 is typical.
Thievish Abilities:
M on Snipe with any Bow or Longbow = (Master's M)
Magic-Using Abilities:
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