Magic Weapons
The following types of Magic Weapons are the most commonly found in Anarea.
They may be of any type listed in the Armoury
(though the more common Weapons, e.g. Swords, are the most likely to be found).
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Thrown Weapons
The following enchantments are typically obtained either from Pacts with
appropriate Demons or as additional enchantments to Holy
Weapons granted in Commune
by Gods:
Mithril Weapons are not themselves Magical, but may have additional
enchantments. Mithril is especially light, hard and keeps its
sharpness. It gives intrinsic bonuses to A and DAM as per the table
below. MIthril-tipping may be sufficient to achieve the bonuses, dependent
on the type of weapon.
Weapon |
BaseSpec. |
Arrow / Quarrel / Sling Stone |
+1A, +1DAM |
Dagger / Stiletto / Throwing Knife / Short Sword |
+1A, +2 DAM |
Taper Axe / Broad Sword / Spear |
+2A, +3 DAM |
Halberd / Great Sword |
+3A, +4 DAM |
Flaming / Cold / Lightning
- Do extra d6s (d4s
for Daggers, Hand Axes & Ammo) of Fire/Cold/Lightning DAM with no
- Some larger Weapons may, exceptionally, be enchanted to do d8s or d10s of
DAM. This is only obtainable from Higher Powers Whose Aspect is Fire,
Cold or Lightning.
- Fire/Cold/Lightning-Vulnerable Beings respectively take
double damage (multiply the result of the nd6 or nd4 by *2 before rolling
the first st).
- ADS applies (but is subtracted first from the basic DAM from the
attack). The Fire / Cold / Lightning DAM is Specific Damage to the
HitLoc Area hit.
- Infects target with a specified number of Poison
Levels if Damage > 0 inflicted.
- The Poison re-charges up to the specified number at 1PL/sec and will
discharge the current number of PLs every time a hit is scored (regardless
of whether DAM > 0 inflicted). There is no maximum limit of PLs the
Weapon or Ammo may inflict during its lifetime.
- Poison Ammo lodged in a victim does not Poison him again once it has
recharged, but attempts to remove it may cause it to discharge again inside
- May not be "milked" for venom. If hit against something
and does not poison it, the poison will simply evaporate.
Festering Wounds
- Wounds caused by the Weapon do not heal normally or Regenerate, but
instead increase by a specified number of HP per HitLoc Area wounded per Cd.
- Healing Spells and Effects work normally, and stop the Festering Effect
once the HitLoc Area has been fully Healed of all Damage (not just that
caused by the Weapon).
- Typically applied to Unholy
Weapons (especially of TERRIK), in which case only works if wielder has Accepted Ft in
patron God >= 10.
Life Draining
- If Damage > 0 inflicted, target is drained a specified number of points
of At. Each 1 At drained restores 5HP Damage taken by the Wielder (it
cannot increase beyond his original HP).
- The At drain to the target is permanent (but may be restored by a Clerical
Restoration Spell), and gives -1 to Co and -1 to Wp per 1 At lost.
- A target drained to 0 At is dead, or may become a specified type of Ghost
under the control of the Wielder (Unholy Life Draining Weapons of SOROK
- Typically applied to Unholy
Weapons (especially of SOROK), in which case only works if wielder has Accepted Ft in
patron God >= 10.
- If Damage > 0 inflicted to a Being of a specified Species (see Table
Sp for examples), that Being is dead (no st).
- If Being is Undead, it is Dispelled instead. E.g. if Weapon is of
Undead Slaying, the Undead Being is Dispelled, if Weapon is of Dragon
Slaying and causes Damage to an Undead Dragon, the Dragon is Dispelled.
- Weapons of Lycanthrope Slaying, kill (or Dispel) the Being infected with
Lycanthropy, not just the Lycanthropy virus.
- On edged Weapons, arrows and quarrels only.
- Any -ve combat result *2, & modified
automatically towards min ADS in nearest limb or Head.
- Any Damage inflicted > 0 severs that limb or Head.
- Typically applied to Holy
Weapons, in which case only works if wielder has Accepted Ft in patron
God >= 10.
- On edged Weapons, arrows and quarrels only.
- Any -ve combat result *3, & modified
automatically towards neck (highest Hit Loc in Head).
- Any Damage inflicted > 0 severs Head.
- Only known examples are certain of the Seven Swords
of Valdrea, on which it only works if wielder has Accepted Ft in SARAN >=
- Up to half the wielder’s AMR may be taken without
holding the Weapon ("Dancing"). Wielder may
specifically plot which AMR it Dances in. If AMR are an odd number,
FRX and alternate between MR (e.g. wielder has 1 AMR. In MR1 he holds
the Weapon. In MR2 it Dances. In MR3 he holds the Weapon.)
- When Dancing, the Weapon attacks as if wielder was
still wielding it. If it contains a Bound Higher Power, it fights of
its own volition, otherwise he controls it mentally using light
concentration (and it will just hang in the air if he does not
concentrate on it). If it fights of its own volition, wielder may use
the AMR for something else, but if he controls it by concentration, he
expends an AMR on the attack.
- The Weapon may Dance anywhere within a specified Radius
of wielder (default if not specified is 10 ft). It levitates away from
his hand to Dance and may move at up to 2 * Radius ft/sec (so as to fly from
his hand to attack and return in 1 sec if necessary).
*2 Shots
- Fires two arrows / quarrels / slingstones at once at two different targets in the same direction.
- Attacker specifies both targets and must aim at the same height of aiming
point on each (counting from the bottom).
- Unless otherwise specified, Attacker gets his normal A & DAM against
each target.
- The roll to hit is the same for both targets, but each has his own
RD. Scattering is resolved separately.
- The arrows / quarrels / slingstones must be loaded in two separate secs., but
it only uses 1 AMR to load both.
*2 Range
- Doubles Effective Range brackets.
- Attacker still needs to be able to see (or otherwise perceive) target.
- Wielder may draw the Weapon in 1 sec without using an AMR, provided it is
carried on his person (within his aura) and is not tied or strapped down or
in a pack.
- Light
concentration is required to draw the Weapon. If it contains a
Bound Higher Power, it may draw itself if it perceives a threat.
- Auto-arming Ranged Weapons do not load themselves,
except if they have both Auto-arming and Auto-reloading,
in which case they will auto-reload in the next sec. after auto-arming.
- Ranged Weapon reloads itself in 1 sec without using an AMR, provided an
arrow / quarrel / slingstone is available in quiver / case / bag.
- Bearer may specify type of arrow / quarrel / slingstone required (e.g. a
silver one) in sec. fires previous one.
- Does not auto-load for first shot of melee (unless is a Ranged Weapon
which also has Auto-arming, as above).
- Does not auto-reload if bearer has sheathed the last arrow / quarrel /
slingstone that auto-reloaded without firing it.
- Auto-reloading quivers / cases / bags auto-reload the bow / crossbow /
sling in bearer's hand, regardless of whether it is Magical. If it
also has auto-reload, there is no extra effect.
- Thrown Weapon returns to wielder's hand in sec after making an attack,
whether or not hit or caused Damage.
- Wielder can catch Weapon without using an AMR (and may do so whilst
throwing another Thrown Weapon with the other hand). If he fails to
catch it, it will resolve an attack upon him, with his A and RD and aiming
for the hand (min. ADS in Arm).
- The DM may rule that the Weapon has become lodged in target / an obstacle
and does not auto-return (e.g. if a Throwing Knife hits a Shield and does 6
- Auto-returning Ammo returns to the quiver / case / bag from which it was
drawn, without the need for wielder to catch it.
Shoot / Throw through Trees / Obstacles
- Elven Bows, Arrows and Spears, or Blowpipes, Darts and Assegai from
the Jungle may have Shoot / Throw through Trees (especially those of elite
Tree Cultists). For example the Aldatirnor (Guardians of the Mallorn)
of the Aldalië are all armed with Elven Bows of Shooting through Trees.
- Other Cults (especially Assasins) may have Weapons / Ammo of Shooting
through Obstacles.
- Either a Ranged Weapon or Ammo may have the ability. Either is
sufficient and both gives no extra effect (unless one has Shoot through
Trees and the other Shoot through Obstacles).
- Allows Attacker to shoot / throw through a live or dead tree or plant /
non-living, non-Undead physical obstacle as if it is not there. Note
that Shoot through Obstacles will not pass through a living tree.
- Attacker must still be able to perceive the target or accurately guess the
aiming point.
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