Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law        7 to 26 Aval 2000

PC Information

The Noble Champions

as at 6 Aval 2000

The following are key figures amongst the Champions of each Noble House, before the Duel, who may have some part to play in the story.  It should be noted that at this time the Noble House of Mastrin (later succeeded by the Noble House of Normeikl) still existed.  The heraldic colours of Mastrin were gules and azur quarterly.

Ranking Name Office(s)
The Imperial House of Aven
Head Narsus VI President of the Panel of Judges (former Emperor and father of Decus XX)
1. Decus XX Emperor of Valdrea
2. Decus XIX High Chancellor (previous Emperor and uncle of Decus XX)
3. Carsus Director of Diplomacy, Director of the Imperial Secret Service
4. Astor Commander of the Imperial Guard
5. Claudius Attorney-General (non-Duellable office)
6. Tarquin Imperial Weaponmaster
7. Brutus Master of the Imperial Horse
8. Gaston Lord Warden of the Eastern Military District
9. Lestor Governor of Aven Province
10. Ector Imperial Inquisitor
20. Varrius Director of the Imperial Information Service
The Noble House of Mastrin
Head Antonius (uncle of Decus of Mastrin)
1. Decus (PC) Commander of Fort Venture (Challenger in the Duel)
2. Julius Deputy Commander of Fort Venture
3. Roland Co-ordinator of Imperial Government
The Noble House of Tarm
1. Marcus (PC) Lord Marshal of Valdrea
2. Varus Lord Protector of West Post Military Area
3. Nestor Lord Censor of Valdrea
The Noble House of Bavenne
1. Castor (PC) Director of the I.D.S.
2. Jasper Director of Imperial Works
3. Lucius Lord Warden of the Northern Military District
The Noble House of Carrilon
1. Comus (PC) Lord High Treasurer, High Priest of ESCUS in Valdrea
2. Paulus Director of the Imperial Food Supply
3. Marcus Lord Warden of the Western Military District
The Noble House of Satril
Head Gaius the Elder (father of Gaius of Satril)
1. Gaius (PC) Lord High Executioner, High Priest of KOROS in Valdrea
2. Maldaron Chairman of the Council of Guildmasters of Valdrea
3. Hector Lord Governor of Valdran Province
The Noble House of Jalaskir
1. Titus (PC) Lord Admiral of Valdrea
2. Drusus Governor of Hapral Province
3. Horatio Imperial Guildmaster of Shipmasters
4. Macro Lord Warden of the Southern Military District
The Noble House of Gytrasan
1. Ander Master of the Imperial Games
2. Lentulus Lord Warden of the Central Military District
3. Rufus Steward of the Imperial Palace
18. Barius Deputy Attorney General

Name in Bold = Member of Privy Council
(PC) = a Player Character; Law-cloned into Decus of Mastrin * 6

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