The above typical Spell Levels are those given by SOROK when He was Clerical. Animate Mummy is only a standard SOROK Spell amongst Cults practising Mummification. As a non-standard Spell it is Level 13, if permitted. The Lich Spell is always non-standard.
BTS: no saving throw
ULT (each Create Undead Spell is a separate Spell, and must be learnt separately):
Animate Dead: 5 hours
Animate Ghoul: 7 hours
Create Wight: 10 hours
Animate Mummy: 50 hours (includes learning how to prepare Materials)
Create Wraith: 11 hours
Create Spectre: 12 hours
Vampirism: 24 hours
Lich Spell: 30 hours (includes learning certain arcane preparations)
Materials: dead bodies of Target Beings and a Desecrated Symbol of God
For Wights, Wraiths, Spectres and Vampires the Spell Level increases by 1 per full Cd elapsed since time of death.
If bits of a body are missing, there is a %age chance of success of the Spell on each such Target equal to the %age of the body (by Hit Locations) present. Note that partial or damaged bodies will be in that state when turned into Corporeal Undead. For Incorporeal Undead, damage is irrelevant, and the bodies need not even be in one piece.
Animate Dead creates Skeletons or Zombies depending on the state of the Targets. If it is desired to create Skeletons rather than Zombies, all flesh should be stripped from the bones and discarded (Ghouls are useful for this). When creating Skeletons the bones can be all jumbled up, and mixed with those from other bodies, so long as they are all within the Radius. A successful Cast reassembles them.
Mummies and Liches require special preparations. If these are not carried out in full, T is Ratioed for incomplete Materials, and any resulting Undead will be unstable (likely to decompose and fall apart).
Actions: present Symbol to Target(s)
Create Undead Spells may Target the Caster(s), in which case the Materials may be alive, but the Actions must conclude by the Target(s) committing suicide. The Lich Spell may only be Cast on oneself.
Effect of Throw: Create Undead of Total Undead Levels ("UL") = T/10%, FRU
The minimum Total UL given by T = the minimum possible UL for that type of Undead. E.g. Wights have Total Level of victim +2, so a 0th level person would become a 2nd Level Wight. Therefore the minimum Total UL given by the T of Create Wight = 2, and a T of 1% on Create Wight would give 2 ULs.
Animate Dead creates Skeletons
and/or Zombies
Animate Ghoul creates Ghouls
Create Wight creates Wights
Animate Mummy creates Mummies
Create Wraith creates Wraiths
Create Spectre creates Spectres
Vampirism creates Vampires
Lich Spell creates a single Lich
The Minimum UL required to turn a body into an Undead is the minimum possible UL for that type of Undead, assuming a 0th level victim (as above), even though the actual Target may be higher level.
The Maximum UL required to turn a body into an Undead is the UL it would have for the relevant type of Undead, based upon its Base Level (see Note 1 below) when it died, as stated in the relevant Undead Specification (hyperlinked above) under "Undead Level, if created". E.g. a 5th level victim becomes a UL2 Skeleton or a UL11 Spectre, so a UL from T >= 2 is required to animate it as a Skeleton or a UL from T >=11 is required to create a Spectre from it.
Radius: 5r feet -5r(r-1)/2% (centred on Caster)
Select potential Targets within Radius in a random order and apply ULs from T to them in that order. Each Target has applied to it up to its Maximum UL required, and a new Target is selected for any surplus UL remaining. All Targets to which Maximum UL required are applied become Undead of that UL. A Target receiving at least its Minimum UL required becomes an Undead of that UL. Any Target receiving zero or less than its Minimum UL required does not become an Undead, and any UL applied to it are lost (further attempts may be made).
The newly created Undead may then be Controlled with the same Create Undead Spell, which functions as a Control Undead Spell of the same T and Spell Level. (E.g. an 11th Level Create Wight Spell functions as a Control Undead Spell at ClL +3.) SOROK Clerics get an additional +2 to ClL for this purpose (so in the previous example, a SOROK Cl would Control Wights at ClL +5). UL Points are automatically sufficient for all Undead just Created, which are automatically targeted. If the Caster successfully Controls (after Wp Battle) Undead he has Created with the same Spell, the control is permanent (requiring light concentration).
Duration: permanent