* Restricted Information: SOROK Clerics only

Standard Clerical Spell List

Alignment E/L
Usual B

75 / 37.5

Clerical from 24 XIII 2500
to present

NB SOROK is Undead from 24 XIII 2500 and only grants Undead Spells Himself.  All other Clerical Spells are in fact Granted for Him by WAGREN (though SOROK Clerics will normally be unaware of this or claim it to be heresy).  The SOROK Cleric's B is halved for Spells Granted by WAGREN (though SOROK's Usual B for Undead Spells has increased compared to what is was before 24 XIII 2500).

Undead Spells Granted by SOROK Himself are shown with a Black Background in the list below.  Other Clerical Spells Granted by WAGREN are shown with a Grey Background.

Level Spell
n Counterspell
n Word Counterspell
>=1 Control Undead @ ClL +1
1 Fester Wounds
1 Locate Undead
1 Nightsight
>=2/4/7 Cause Light / Serious / Multiple Wounds
2 Cause Sores
2 Contaminate Food & Water
 2/4 Darkness/Cont. Darkness
2 Increase Bleeding
2 Infravision
2 Preserve Flesh
 2/3 Prot vs Good, Chaos / Neutral (on either axis)
2 Prot vs Undead
2 Silence of the Grave
2 Wall of Darkness
3 Cause Pain
3 Curse
3 Detect Good, Chaos
3 Detect Life
3 Drain Life
3 Summon Undead
4 Cause Mummy Rotting Disease
 4 Charm Rats / Scarabs
4 Detect Magic
4 Repair Skeletons
4 Speak with Undead
5 Animate Dead
5 Detect Poison


Dying Curse
5 Hold Animal / Person
6 Lie
6 Wall of Flame
7 Create Ghoul
7 Invisibility
7 Plague of Flies, Maggots
7 Poison
7 Supplication
8 Awe
8 Withering
 9 Contact Undead
9 Create Blood
9 Create Weapons
 9/12 Dispel Good, Chaos / Neutral (on either axis)
9 Quest
10 Commune
10 Hold Monster
10 Silver Halo
10 Truesight
11 Ageing
11 Blade Barrier
11 Contact
11 Create Flesh
 11/13 Create Wight / Lost Wight
11 Sensory Deprivation
12 Conjure Rats / Scarabs
12 Find the Path
12 Wall of Death
 13/14 Create Wraith / Lost Wraith
13 Word of Recall
14 Part Water
14 Possession
15 Create Spectre
15 Ghost Walk
15 Thunderstorm
16 Earthquake
16 Shadowman
16 Symbol
17 Astral Spell
17 Unholy Word
20 Vampirism


Desecrate Object


Lich Spell
50 Desecrate Place

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